So just out of curiosity - how is it that ticketweb service charges are always quite a bit lower??
maybe they offer lower levels of service? have less servers = less able to handle a surge? spend less on advertising? their tickets aren't as shiny?
even other venues that ticket through ticketfly have lower charges.
i poked around TF, evidence didn't really bear this out - some were cheaper, some were the same (one that was cheaper had a 2-drink minimum, sooooo...)
something that i feel is a valid complaint is the fact that service charges rise as the ticket price rises:
Ticket $40.00 x 1
Service Fee $6.50 x 1
Order Processing $4.00
Total Charge $50.50
st vincent:
Ticket $15.00 x 1
Service Fee $4.75 x 1
Order Processing $4.00
Total Charge $23.75
it doesn't cost any more to print & ship one ticket over the other... seems to me that the price should be constant. only argument in favor of this that i've come up with is the actual cost is somewhere in the middle, and the expensive tickets are somewhat subsidizing the cheap one (although a more likely explanation is that they wanna squeeze a little more out of those who are already willing to pay a lot for a ticket).
ticketfly for the Knitting Factory - Brooklyn
$20.00 x 1 $4.50 x 1
No Charge
No Charge
Apparently a stump of paper costs twice as much in dc than new york. who knew.
shows at the knitting factory are will-call only, so i'd expect lower fees - nothing to print or ship. nice try, tho.