Author Topic: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)  (Read 17568 times)


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2010, 12:12:08 am »
Not to mention the fact that the LN venue is being partially subsidized by our (us citizens of Montgomery County of which Seth is one) tax dollars. I would be kind of bitter too if I had a business and was forced to pay for the development of a competing business that will lie a few miles from my business.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2010, 12:16:36 am »
In slides Kosmo with the winning punch!!!

Such an important point that cannot be brushed aside so easily as though it's some minor and unimportant detail. Even if you don't like Seth and/or IMP, one must recognize what a dirty and lowdown backroom deal this was against the citizens' best interests.

Julian, what I've been saying is not just my 'opinion' as you'd prefer to believe. These things do happen all the time and more and more often lately.

You really need to see the bigger picture and not just some smaller detail that can be twisted around to suit your grudge against Seth's business. Yes, you've made some good points but they lose value when examined in relation to the bigger picture.

Another angle that has not been addressed within this thread is how this all affects the various bands. The exclusivity contracts and takes on ticket sales and such. Would love to read about some of those points since most of us only know very little, if nothing at all, regarding how this affects them. On the positive side, it provides a powerful backer to get them out and about the country. On the downside, from what I've heard, they take bigger advantage of the bands, ticket takes and limits their choice of specific venues they would love to play. Mind Cage should jump in here.  ;)


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2010, 11:51:13 pm »
monopolies are bad no matter how you look at it and they should not allow it to happen.

so far, i've seen two petitions and neither have many signatures.

i'm surprised there isnt a facebook page against the merger. also surprised more people arent complaining about it
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 11:52:46 pm by Cali »


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2010, 11:52:43 pm »
Julian - do ever get tired of being so negative and accusatory?  You bring me down.

Vas Deferens

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« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 04:43:02 pm by Vas Deferens »


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2010, 04:44:33 pm »
merger approved with conditions

Of course! Again, it's all part of the nue-Fascism.

Seth, thanks for trying.  :-\


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2010, 05:30:36 pm »
What a joke those "conditions" are.

Get ready for more 360 deals. And with smaller artists.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2010, 05:58:39 pm »
Ugggg! This is not going to be pretty. I cant wait to see the effects of this one, as Im already sacrificing going to shows due to costs. I can only hope smaller venues either continue to operate as is or at least avoid ticketmaster/livenation if they end up doing advance sales. Im beginning to like Cakeshop quite a bit as well as Mercury shows that dont sell tix in advance.

What a joke those "conditions" are.

Get ready for more 360 deals. And with smaller artists.


Sage 703

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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2010, 06:11:10 pm »
Out of curiosity, what's the general feeling on the board about an auction based ticketing system for shows with reserved seating? 

I personally would guess that's the model Live Nation/Ticketmaster is going to aim toward, to provide greater flexibility for less desirable seats and opportunities to maximize profits on premium seating.  This would also effectively kill StubHub and other secondary ticketing marketplaces for assigned seats...


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2010, 06:39:49 pm »
Out of curiosity, what's the general feeling on the board about an auction based ticketing system for shows with reserved seating? 

there has been talk of this for some time, and i believe it's inevitable for high-demand shows.  i'm not opposed to it.  if there is additional income to be captured, it should go to those who are involved with the show (ideally, the artists).  i wonder how artists feel about this - just because you're able and willing to pay big bucks to sit/stand up front doesn't mean it's the kind of audience the band wants to play for and look at.

why limit auctions to reserved seats?  as yesterday's radiohead show proved, you can auction off GA tickets as well.  it's all about how much demand there is.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2010, 07:21:32 pm »
I believe bands are going to utilize a web-based social network-like essay system whereby those who desire tickets will have 100 characters in which to explain why they deserve tickets and better seats than others.  These will not actually be read by the band but will be processed via an algorithm that scores entries based on the occurrence of key words, phrases, and punctuation marks such as "OMG" "!!" and "your first EP on red vinyl."   These will be cross-referenced with a credit check and tickets will be priced on a means-tested sliding scale.   

Really, it's the only fair way to do it.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2010, 07:31:35 pm »
^This would give DFA1979 all the best tickets. ;D


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2010, 07:37:42 pm »
Walkies, you've been scooped.

Look above.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2010, 08:58:40 pm »
Those defending DAR are either high on crack or simply looking at it from the vantage point of the few who have the choice seats (or are on the IMP payroll).. The "venue" largely has shitty sightlines, shitty acoustics and you can't even have a beer while watching a show (though they'[ll gladly sell it to you!).. Basically it blows.. It was never meant to be a music venue.. its a place to hear a speech by Al Gore. I've seen numerous shows there from Nina Simone to the Pixies to the Experience Hendrix to the Pet Shop Boys and yes if you are within twenty rows of the stage on the floor the sound can be ok (Pixies) but otherwise forget about it (Nina, PSB) .. Its embarassing that Seth - like  Live Nation- continue to rent this venue. At least LN is looking to build a decent venue.

Of course we know why they rent it to put on shows...MONEY. NOT because they give a shit about my concert experience.

Doesn't mean one can't have a good time but MOST people at a DAR show will get a substandard product and to keep arguing otherwise is asinine.

I no longer go see shows at Dar cause it blows and FYI I am not the only one.

The TM-LN merger getting approved is about as surprising as the fact the sun is currently shining somewhere. And you know whats funny: the same reasons why Seth rents Dar are why the merger got approved, money.