I don't believe in global cooling and I do lean toward a belief in man-made effects on the climate, but to claim that global warming is gospel truth is just daft. It's not just "Warmergate." The IPCC - the leading "authority" on global warming, who took home the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and upon whose "scientific" research the whole Copenhagen conference was built, has recently had to admit that elements of its massive 2007 report (the laurel upon which they were largely awarded the Nobel) were fabricated and they knew that they were fabricated (see; glaciers, Himalayan) but included them anyway because they wanted to sway opinion. They have also acknowledged that they didn't always use peer reviews in verifying their data and their conclusions and that they failed to investigate the hundreds of objections they received from within their own community and they continue to resist an independent audit of the data upon which they base their conclusions (see; Financial Times 2010-02-02) Most damning, by their own admission, they only use "science" that conforms to a "consensus" that they define ex-ante. Anything that does not conform to said consensus is not considered. So much for the scientific method.