Author Topic: Another snow day  (Read 63752 times)


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2010, 03:47:45 pm »
I don't believe in global cooling and I do lean toward a belief in man-made effects on the climate, but to claim that global warming is gospel truth is just daft.  It's not just "Warmergate."  The IPCC - the leading "authority" on global warming, who took home the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and upon whose "scientific" research the whole Copenhagen conference was built, has recently had to admit that elements of its massive 2007 report (the laurel upon which they were largely awarded the Nobel) were fabricated and they knew that they were fabricated (see; glaciers, Himalayan) but included them anyway because they wanted to sway opinion.  They have also acknowledged that they didn't always use peer reviews in verifying their data and their conclusions and that they failed to investigate the hundreds of objections they received from within their own community and they continue to resist an independent audit of the data upon which they base their conclusions (see; Financial Times 2010-02-02) Most damning, by their own admission, they only use "science" that conforms to a "consensus" that they define ex-ante.  Anything that does not conform to said consensus is not considered.  So much for the scientific method.


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2010, 04:10:27 pm »
This what you guys do on your snow days?


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2010, 04:13:15 pm »
what else are you supposed to do when directv loses the signal


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2010, 04:13:52 pm »
yeah, keep your politics & debates out of my snow!


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2010, 04:14:44 pm »
No way...I just had the cleaning people come!

That's great.  We actually scheduled to move the weekend of the last storm, and had to push it back to the day after Christmas, which was a bitch.

And now, we're pretty much in red alert waiting for my wife to go into labor...just in time for more snow.

All I wanted to do was have a party last Friday night, but mother nature comes in and is all like "noo you can't do that" (even though the snowfall started later than it was scheduled).

So I rescheduled to this coming Friday... and now, again, mother nature is being a bitch.

Fucking hell.

Home birth is the way to go, baby.

Got Haggis?

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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2010, 04:25:14 pm »
Oh, geez. There are tons and tons of scientists who have proven that the whole Al Gore and Copenhagen Summit is one big rip-off scam. Most of the scientists noted on Gore's documentary have stated that they totally disagree with his theory and had even written to him telling him that they did not agree and that they wanted their names removed. He totally ignored them and used their names anyway.

If global warming was man-made, than why is that the other planets have warmed to the same amounts as earth? It's very natural cycle.

I beg to differ on your thinking as I fully believe that it is YOU who has fallen for a crock of conspiracy shit. Well intentioned, but, none the less, a dangerous crock of shit.

I'm bored and don't feel like re-researching but there's plenty of proof out there.... and I don't mean emails that do prove nefarious intent.

 ::) are you kidding me?  You do realize that in the entire world, there are only a very small handful of scientists that do not believe global warming is happening, right?

James Ford

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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2010, 04:26:26 pm »
No way...I just had the cleaning people come!

That's great.  We actually scheduled to move the weekend of the last storm, and had to push it back to the day after Christmas, which was a bitch.

And now, we're pretty much in red alert waiting for my wife to go into labor...just in time for more snow.

All I wanted to do was have a party last Friday night, but mother nature comes in and is all like "noo you can't do that" (even though the snowfall started later than it was scheduled).

So I rescheduled to this coming Friday... and now, again, mother nature is being a bitch.

Fucking hell.

Home birth is the way to go, baby.

Hire the right midwife and doula and there won't be a mess. For us, the doula cleaned everything up as it went along.

But anyway, best of luck to you guys. Didn't you originally say the baby was due Feb 14? First babies are usually late anyway.

James Ford

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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2010, 04:27:26 pm »
I don't know what you know or don't. I just know that the average person knows very little about the subject other than what the progaganda machines, who have a corporate agenda, want them to know; or rather, 'think'.

Obama is an alien, too.


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2010, 04:27:40 pm »


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2010, 04:28:38 pm »
No way...I just had the cleaning people come!

That's great.  We actually scheduled to move the weekend of the last storm, and had to push it back to the day after Christmas, which was a bitch.

And now, we're pretty much in red alert waiting for my wife to go into labor...just in time for more snow.

All I wanted to do was have a party last Friday night, but mother nature comes in and is all like "noo you can't do that" (even though the snowfall started later than it was scheduled).

So I rescheduled to this coming Friday... and now, again, mother nature is being a bitch.

Fucking hell.

Home birth is the way to go, baby.

Only the father could say that.  ::)
You better brush up on your delivery skills though just in case. Seriously!

It's a good thing that I like you or I'd throw something mean your way.  ;)

I just feel sorry for the kid having to put up with a lifetime of dead of winter birthdays. Ugh! Then again, if they turn out to be a Super Toilet Bowl fan, than it could work out nicely. That is not me. I avoid anything Super Toilet Bowl related like the plague!


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2010, 04:31:09 pm »
I don't know what you know or don't. I just know that the average person knows very little about the subject other than what the progaganda machines, who have a corporate agenda, want them to know; or rather, 'think'.

Obama is an alien, too.

What? Are you calling the aliens liars?

He's nothing but a mere mortal puppet.

Don't insult the aliens like that.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2010, 04:37:02 pm »
Julian's America = banned.
Jaguar's Clear-And-Present-Ignorance = perfectly fine.



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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2010, 04:37:33 pm »
Oh, geez. There are tons and tons of scientists who have proven that the whole Al Gore and Copenhagen Summit is one big rip-off scam. Most of the scientists noted on Gore's documentary have stated that they totally disagree with his theory and had even written to him telling him that they did not agree and that they wanted their names removed. He totally ignored them and used their names anyway.

If global warming was man-made, than why is that the other planets have warmed to the same amounts as earth? It's very natural cycle.

I beg to differ on your thinking as I fully believe that it is YOU who has fallen for a crock of conspiracy shit. Well intentioned, but, none the less, a dangerous crock of shit.

I'm bored and don't feel like re-researching but there's plenty of proof out there.... and I don't mean emails that do prove nefarious intent.

 ::) are you kidding me?  You do realize that in the entire world, there are only a very small handful of scientists that do not believe global warming is happening, right?

Oh, there is much more than 'a handful'.

And note that my emphasis is on 'man-made'. That's what the scam is based on.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 04:40:49 pm by Jaguar »


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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2010, 04:38:26 pm »
Julian's America = banned.
Jaguar's Clear-And-Present-Ignorance = perfectly fine.


Coming from one who insists on living in a world of illusion.  ::)

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Another snow day
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2010, 04:39:43 pm »
Coming from one who insists on living in a world of illusion.  ::)
Yeah, why don't go back into your hole and just ignore Lady Gaga and the vast, overwhelming majority of scientists earthwide.