Author Topic: 9:30 Club Sues Over Subsidies for Planned Live Nation Venue in Silver Spring  (Read 37699 times)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Ayn Rand is an idiot thought profound by parents'-basement-dwellers everywhere, I don't know why she's creeping into this discussion amongst intelligent people...

the bottom line is that this deal seems questionable on many fronts (as do many government subsidies for private business).     If this were put to a referendum for the residents of Silver Spring, would they approve it?  I don't think so.   

Suing is a reasonable business reaction to an inappropriate and potentially damaging action.



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There are a lot bigger things to get outraged about in terms of local government than a subsidy for a popular arts venue 30-45 minutes away from the 930.

its only 6 miles


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Ayn Rand is an idiot thought profound by parents'-basement-dwellers everywhere, I don't know why she's creeping into this discussion amongst intelligent people...

the bottom line is that this deal seems questionable on many fronts (as do many government subsidies for private business).     If this were put to a referendum for the residents of Silver Spring, would they approve it?  I don't think so.   

Suing is a reasonable business reaction to an inappropriate and potentially damaging action.

I agree Doctor Doom. The reason I mentioned Ayn Rand is because of this quote from Seth Hurwitz on June 9 of this year on the Lefsetz Newsletter:

"let me make something perfectly clear to anyone who hasn't read Ayn Rand:



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I figured it was closer than 30-45 minutes away.

Maybe Hutch rides a burro around town. If so, that is kind of awesome.

Fixed before the spelling and grammar police got to it!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 07:47:01 pm by azaghal1981 »


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I figured it was closer than 30-45 minutes away.

Maybe Hutch rides a burro around town. If so, that is kind of awesome.

I would assume that is how long it takes him once he leaves his humble abode and takes the Metro up to Silver Spring. After all, we all know that that is, in fact, the official exact center of the Natural universe.

Edit: Fixed Az's post because I'm in collusion with him.  ;)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 11:56:46 am by Jaguar »


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I figured it was closer than 30-45 minutes away.

Maybe Hutch rides a burrow around town. If so, that is kind of awesome.

I would assume that is how long it takes him once he leaves his humble abode and takes the Metro up to Silver Spring. After all, we all know that that is in fact the official exact center of the universe.

Well I live by the 930 so yes I think it takes 30-45 minutes when all is said and done to metro up there..

NO car and no burro sorry to say.

James Ford

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You'd think with all the money Hutch has saved by NOT going to mid-size venue shows, he could have afforded a car AND a burro by now.


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There are a lot bigger things to get outraged about in terms of local government than a subsidy for a popular arts venue 30-45 minutes away from the 930.

its only 6 miles

Yeah and it takes 30 to 45 minutes to drive those 6 miles.   I don't think this is going to register on anyones radar.  Look how much money they spent on the Baseball Stadium in DC. 

Also, I don't know why anyone want to be in a club bigger than 930 club.  I think the 930 club is too big as it is.  Really anything larger than the Black Cat in size should be a seated venue with stadium seating.


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Ayn Rand is an idiot thought profound by parents'-basement-dwellers everywhere, I don't know why she's creeping into this discussion amongst intelligent people...

the bottom line is that this deal seems questionable on many fronts (as do many government subsidies for private business).     If this were put to a referendum for the residents of Silver Spring, would they approve it?  I don't think so.   

Suing is a reasonable business reaction to an inappropriate and potentially damaging action.

I agree Doctor Doom. The reason I mentioned Ayn Rand is because of this quote from Seth Hurwitz on June 9 of this year on the Lefsetz Newsletter:

"let me make something perfectly clear to anyone who hasn't read Ayn Rand:

Looks like Seth can't win. He's not running a charity or some non-profit, you know.

Now if Mr. Natural straps up his burro and goes around the city selling cucumbers, I guess it would be for kicks or something other than 'trying to make the most money that he can'. Just wait until he finds out that the tax money he's collected to pay off the man is then going straight into the pockets of Hans across the street to sell cucumbers to the same people. Plus, Hans isn't paying to feed and shelter his burro. Mr. Natural's Cucumber business and the good citizens are. But Mr. Natural better still come up with all of his taxes, fees, etc., while paying for every aspect of his business on his own. And if he dare complains, he'll be taken down by those who think that he has no right to do so.



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Mr. Natural driving at top speed to make it to Silver Spring hoping to get there in time to see the opener.


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A great way for Seth to make more money: Sell tacos.


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not tacos, burritos.

burrito: small burro...

are burritos made of burro?!?

is that why they're so delicious?!?


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A great way for Seth to make more money: Sell tacos.

An even better way would be to sell pot sweets only to people who would order them a certain way which was discussed in an earlier thread.
Imagine how much you could charge for a space cupcake.



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^ We also discussed other options such as Space Copter Tacos.

Something for everyone of all tastes. I'd be more than happy to help out with a few recipes, both creating and testing.  ;D

Same time (9:30), another space.


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