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Originally posted by HoyaParanoia: QuoteOriginally posted by xcanuck: (boy, sounds like the way people crapped all over STP after SP, PJ, Nirvana, etc flooded the airways)not that it really matters to this discussion, but i thought STP came a year or two after all those bands, and that's why people crapped all over their watered down and derivative tunage [/b]
Originally posted by xcanuck: (boy, sounds like the way people crapped all over STP after SP, PJ, Nirvana, etc flooded the airways)
Originally posted by sonickteam4: Dont forget about thier irrelavance!
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia: QuoteOriginally posted by sonickteam4: Dont forget about thier irrelavance! great use of vocab!! you're really coming along sonick, i'm proud. [/b]
Originally posted by O'Mankie: ...at least Martin won't be as self-righteous and as much an interferring do-gooder who actually knows squat about what he's preaching about, at least I hope not. Naw...that's would be impossible.
Originally posted by vansmack: QuoteOriginally posted by HoyaParanoia: QuoteOriginally posted by sonickteam4: Dont forget about thier irrelavance! great use of vocab!! you're really coming along sonick, i'm proud. [/b]Which says nothing of your spelling..... Their Relevance [/b]
Originally posted by sonickteam4: screw you. i am at work. doesnt criticizing someone for TYPOS get old?
Originally posted by vansmack: QuoteOriginally posted by sonickteam4: screw you. i am at work. doesnt criticizing someone for TYPOS get old? Lighten up, I was kidding. [/b]
Don't feel bad, someone's got to like bad music! I swear it was me that said "the masses are asses."
Originally posted by sonickteam4: I'm just sayin
Originally posted by novadancer: Quote Don't feel bad, someone's got to like bad music! I swear it was me that said "the masses are asses." Just because someone likes music that you don't like does not mean, first that it's bad and second, that I'm in the masses. I haven't listened to the radio in over a year, and I probably see as many of the same shows as all you board "regulars". I am SO sick of this crap! And just when I finally got the upgrade from junior member. Oh well. tata to everyone 'xcept xneverwherex and kurosawa.
Originally posted by vansmack: QuoteOriginally posted by sonickteam4: I'm just sayin There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there? [/b]
Originally posted by Mr Dodgy Slapper: QuoteOriginally posted by novadancer: this thread isn't worth a coldplay fan's response that's why... :mad: Don't feel bad, someone's got to like bad music! I swear it was me that said "the masses are asses." [/b]
Originally posted by novadancer: this thread isn't worth a coldplay fan's response that's why... :mad:
Originally posted by sonickteam4: such as being a coldplay fan?