First of all, I hope this doesn't turn into one of those Chuck Klosterman/Bill Simmons self-centered, pop culture dorkfests. I'd like to think we're more refined than that. Maybe if we can't give Katharine Weymouth a quarter mill to run with the big Beltway dogs at our own Salon, we can at least try to give her a stylish, super sassy makeover.
Rather I think we should aspire to recreate to this infamous (and most likely apocryphal) 70's encounter:
While recording "We Will Rock You'' at Wessex studios, Mercury came face to face with Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious. "So you're this Freddie Platinum bloke that's supposed to be bringing ballet to the masses,'' Vicious snarled, prompting a completely unfazed response from Mercury: "Ah, Mr. Ferocious, we're trying our best, dear.''

But we can switch roles every couple of weeks. I'm a better pitcher than catcher, though. Stronger arm.
If that doesn't work we can always go to the B roll:
When informed that the Pet Shop Boys cover of "Always on my Mind" had pipped The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl's immortal "Fairytale of New York" to the 1987 Christmas U.K. No. 1, Shane McGowan complained that they had been beaten by "two queens and drum machine."

Those roles are a little more difficult to ascertain...
Ummmmm.....No. I don't download. I probably more of a Luddite than you. But you know, it's only really fun to be an anti-technology zealot if your name is Jack White. It's not even the morality of downloading that I find so distasteful. It's my megalomaniac tendencies. It's too overwhelming. It's a world of soup and all I have is a fork. If I can't have it all, no one will.
Please be more specific, do you blame downloading for the general lack of manners in the modern age...or the slow, painful i.v. drip of the music industry...all of the fat kids running around...or something else?