Trying to buy 2 tickets for Willie. Got to the end and I get this:
There was a problem with your submission
Ticketfly just experienced a hiccup but all may be fine. If you do not receive an order confirmation within the next 2 minutes please attempt another purchase.
You may also contact Ticketfly Support to check on the status of your tickets.
Got that twice. It's not a "hiccup". It's a system failure. I still don't know if I have 0, 2 or 4 tickets. I may have just spent $300 on 4 tickets (including 2 I don't need), or have nothing for a show that's going to sellout. If I try again, there's a chance I'll end up with 6 tickets, putting me over the limit and having all of my orders canceled.
It really shouldn't be this difficult.