Great memory, Unsanity! I looked back in my files and it was indeed April 2006, and I was somehow trying to combine three separate tours into one: Donna Summer, Torche/Sword, Tarantula A.D./ASG. For a hot second, it was going to be all five, then the Torche/Sword package went to the Black Cat, which pissed me off because they had confirmed and then bailed on me (probably due to the Sword blowing up and the Black Cat all of a sudden thinking they'd be worth booking). The Black Cat didn't touch stuff like Torche and Boris in those days. Then I got Food For Animals to play, and the bill became Food For Animals/Donna Summer/Tarantula A.D./ASG. The show was on 4/5/06. I remember seeing FFA, DS and TAD but do not recall seeing ASG. They might have canceled, or I may have gotten to the Warehouse late that night because I was working evening hours at the City Paper in those days.
And I agree with you, the song they opened up with was one of the more interesting somgs in the set. It caught my attention and I was in the zone for three or four songs after, but then my attention drifted away.