Author Topic: Godspeed You Black Emperor  (Read 6813 times)


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Godspeed You Black Emperor
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:44:59 am »
GYBE was awesome last night.  the pulsating and slowly evolving drone that they played for 10 minutes before they hit the stage and then started their set to was triiiiiippy (azaghal, i believe you would have loved it).  music was cinematic, powerful, and sounded superb on the club's sound system.  during the quiet passages the club was the quietest i've ever heard it.  you could hear the balcony creeking and people ordering drinks at the bar.  it was... shocking.

the show might have sold out in a few minutes when it went on sale but people were giving away tickets out front last night.  i ended up eating my extra, too many other people trying to unload by the time i got there.

i wish i could have stayed longer but i had to bail a little more than halfway through show b/c of work.  being responsible sucks.  there were several people with fancy taping gear so hopefully i'll be able to DL and listen to the rest of the performance.  i'll just have to imagine the sound coming out of PA.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 10:06:52 am by sweetcell »


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 09:57:02 am »
no riot? weak

Vas Deferens

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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 10:08:18 am »
you missed the best part.....joking...

azagh was there.

the highlight for me were Albanian (third song)...and Rocket Fall on Rocket Falls (which you probably missed, 2nd to last)...

nothing like seeing them inside a club with a superb sound system...(this show ranks 2nd out of the three I saw-the other two being in NYC in a church thurs/fri)

i wish i could have stayed longer but i had to bail a little more than halfway through show b/c of work.  being responsible sucks. 

James Ford

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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 10:20:52 am »
and no board members named after them. double weak.

no riot? weak


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 12:30:59 pm »

the show might have sold out in a few minutes when it went on sale but people were giving away tickets out front last night.  i ended up eating my extra, too many other people trying to unload by the time i got there.

I wonder if this is a sign that the scalping issue for 9:30 shows has finally gone too far.  An insane number of people and companies seem to try and scalp 9:30 tix, and maybe that market has just gotten too saturated.  As an example, there are over 80 tix for Iron and Wine on Stubhub, and that doesn't count all the agencies trying to sell them, or ebay and craigslist scalpers.

It is great to see scalpers eat their shirts, but a bummer when it affects honest people (like sweetcell) who just want to get rid of an extra they ended up with.  It has seemed like for a while that it is always pretty easy to get face value tix for most sold out 9:30 shows in the days leading up to them.  Maybe until the market corrects, it will be easy to get under face value tickets.   


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 05:18:38 pm »
It really was a great show. "Rocket..." was intense! The crowd was amazing last night too.

I think musically I enjoyed this one more than the one ten years ago at the club. Although, I think visually that older show was more interesting.


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 06:58:08 pm »
so good sweetcell left early?

who leaves a great show early? ;) ;)


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2011, 08:07:38 pm »
I was there. It was excellent.

Setlist I think:
Hope Drone
Lift Yr...Skinny Fists, Like Antennas to Heaven
Gathering Storm
9-15-00 PT. II
Chart#3>World Police and Friendly Fire
Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls
The Sad Mafioso

Maybe 9-15-00 Pt. II came After Chart #3>World Police and Friendly Fire?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:35:19 pm by azaghal1981 »


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2011, 10:57:52 pm »
i enjoyed the show, but i do think the last tour was better.  i think the fact that there was less strings affected the overall sound a bit.  visuals were also a bit different and probably a bit less interesting in my opinion.  there was definitely a bit of a different sound than before.  it wasn't the best show of theirs i've seen, but it definitely wasn't the 'worst' (i'd probably qualify 'worst' as the times i saw them where they only played ~90min for whatever reason).

it's nice to go to a show and have it not be more about being social hour than it is about people actually paying attention to the music.


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2011, 12:01:09 am »
anyone know if this was a one-off tour, or are GYBE back?  lemme guess... they haven't said anything.  damn canadians.

that really was a unique crowd for the 930.

so good sweetcell left early?

who leaves a great show early? ;) ;)

believe me, i wasn't happy about it.  i still had to stay up until 3 am finishing work, so going to the show at all was an extravagance on my part.  i can only hope there is a next time. 

miss pretentious

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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2011, 10:42:04 am »
I got there super super late and only caught the last 30-40 minutes, but enjoyed what I saw.


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2011, 10:49:22 am »
Should have been a forum party in the very empty backbar after the show.

It was kind of eerie how empty it was; there are always a few people down there post-show but everyone seemed to clear out fast on Sunday.


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2011, 11:07:47 am »
you fool - there WAS a forum party in the backbar after the show.

hence the emptiness.


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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2011, 11:16:34 am »


Vas Deferens

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Re: Godspeed You Black Emperor
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2011, 11:19:11 am »
sweetcell wants to attend a clutch show just for the forum party at the backbar....while they're playing.