GYBE was awesome last night. the pulsating and slowly evolving drone that they played for 10 minutes before they hit the stage and then started their set to was triiiiiippy (azaghal, i believe you would have loved it). music was cinematic, powerful, and sounded superb on the club's sound system. during the quiet passages the club was the quietest i've ever heard it. you could hear the balcony creeking and people ordering drinks at the bar. it was... shocking.
the show might have sold out in a few minutes when it went on sale but people were giving away tickets out front last night. i ended up eating my extra, too many other people trying to unload by the time i got there.
i wish i could have stayed longer but i had to bail a little more than halfway through show b/c of work. being responsible sucks. there were several people with fancy taping gear so hopefully i'll be able to DL and listen to the rest of the performance. i'll just have to imagine the sound coming out of PA.