Author Topic: DC Parking Shenanigans  (Read 33594 times)


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #75 on: July 15, 2011, 01:23:58 pm »
I don't think anyone here is saying they will take their business elsewhere.  Theres no action being proposed by me except to say that the policy outlined in the beginning of this thread is fucking STUPID and I think anyone who finds it to be reasonable is equally stupid, at least where this is concerned.

Does that include you?  I don't know.  You still have not weighed in on that.

I think it makes sense to try to nab people who are living here without registering, and one of the only ways to do that is to watch for cars that park here all the time.   Since GGW is the only person I have ever heard of so far who has experienced this, and he admitted that he parks here a lot, it seems reasonable.   If they were nabbing everybody who parked more than once in a 180 day period, that would be ridiculous.  

Beyond that, I am highly skeptical of the description of any regulation described on this board, especially with people like Jaguar around believing in lizard people and equating parking enforcement to Nazism.   So that's a second reason why I'm not too worried about this.

As for DC versus suburbs... as usual it is a false dichotomy.  in many suburban neighborhoods near bar areas, like Clarendon, you can't park on side streets at all if you don't live there.   All neighborhoods near bar/restaurant areas struggle with this same issue, regardless of locality, and the tendency is to favor the people who actually pay taxes there.

Finally, these type of restrictions are usually brought on by neighborhoods, not by lizard people or officials with aspirations of Nazism.  And it comes about because people get sick of coming home and finding no spaces on the street they're paying taxes for.
Thanks for your measured and reasonable response!

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #76 on: July 15, 2011, 01:31:36 pm »
Huh?....equating parking enforecement to Nazism? I've never met a Rita the Meter Maid who wasn't a fucking Nazi....They are lower on the cop food chain than mall cops, and very bitter about it.

Most of them have a serious chip on their shoulder, that much is true... don't think most of them advocate exterminating entire peoples, though.


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #77 on: July 15, 2011, 01:40:27 pm »
Beyond that, I am highly skeptical of the description of any regulation described on this board, especially with people like Jaguar around believing in lizard people and equating parking enforcement to Nazism.   So that's a second reason why I'm not too worried about this.

Yet again you prove how poor your reading comprehension is since I've over and over stated in the past that I don't believe in Lizard people. But that doesn't fit your extremely bigoted mindset so you keep throwing it against the wall hoping it will stick. Forget it, ya nasty old curmudgeon!

In fact, when it comes to bigotry, you have proven over and over again that you are probably the most bigoted person on this entire forum! If one is not exactly like you in some regard, you often curse them with death or throw some other venomous crap their way. God forbid that someone appears in anyway to be a hippy in your over-controlled freaked out world. No such thing as tolerance of others who are different in your life. You often curse and throw hate towards anyone outside of DC as though you are some paradigm of virtue. Ha! Quite to opposite. The phrase 'Ugly American' comes to mind, in fact. Total bigoted arrogance!

You know, each of these areas in question charge something for tags and such. Maryland forces you to pay for 2 years at a time which sure as Hell doesn't make it all that cost effective. What in the world is DC doing to make one prefer to maintain a plate from elsewhere?



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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #78 on: July 15, 2011, 01:44:22 pm »



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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #79 on: July 15, 2011, 02:17:36 pm »
They're either lazy or out stealin' cars and leavin' them in DC!


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2011, 02:22:45 pm »
Jag, you seem to have misunderstood my point (shocking, I know) -- the concept of a commuter tax is a pretty straightforward public policy tool used in this country and in many others to balance the equities of providing municipal services to people who don't reside in the jurisdiction in which they work -- I couldn't really tell from your rambling response, but it seems like you disagree generally with levying such a tax. Why?


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #81 on: July 15, 2011, 02:31:18 pm »
Hoya, you and your ilk will be required to pay the Troll a tax to cross over the Beltway since you just love bilking the people so much. Put your own wallet where your mouth is!

I'm not really sure what any of this means, but I generally support government efforts to make the cost of driving more accurately reflect its societal costs, through methods such as increased gasoline taxes, tolling of roads and other infrastructure, and parking fees


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #82 on: July 15, 2011, 02:43:49 pm »
Nah Hoya, I knew what you were saying. Didn't mean to place any anger your way as you were only stating your beliefs without the hate filled rant towards outsiders.

You are right that I don't agree with them, mostly because I lean towards thinking that it's misguided and restricts one's freedom; albeit, financial; to move about. To be honest, I guess I'd have to see real figures, not cooked books, that prove their worth towards all. Not just select groups either. Besides, as I stated earlier, if you want to concentrate large amounts of employment in such a small area, then you either allow some (without the financial and time management burdens they already put up with via commuting) to live outside the area or you accept the extra burden of how it would impact the community if most or all lived within the confines. Ultimately, I do think that some of the mass concentrations of employment should be shared throughout the country yet I recognize it would also have it's own issues to deal with if they were spread out.

I just don't think it's fair to punish those living outside the area when the infra-structure won't really allow for all of them. Besides, they do manage to leave some of their money THAT THEY EARN, in the area while inside. It's one of those ideas that I consider being very misguided and short-sighted.


Christine Moritz

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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #83 on: July 15, 2011, 02:48:10 pm »
You get a ticket if you have not REMOVED the previous year's registration tag in your windshield. 
Wow, I didn't know this.

I usually remove mine fairly promptly anyway, but I thought it was an aesthetic concern; I didn't know it was a requirement.

I feel like I've seen some cars with not just their previous registration sticker but also the one preceding it!


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #84 on: July 15, 2011, 02:55:51 pm »
You get a ticket if you have not REMOVED the previous year's registration tag in your windshield. 
Wow, I didn't know this.

I usually remove mine fairly promptly anyway, but I thought it was an aesthetic concern; I didn't know it was a requirement.

I feel like I've seen some cars with not just their previous registration sticker but also the one preceding it!

So wait, in the real world, what kind of a problem does this cause? Well, besides it breaking some stupid regulation. Is it really that difficult for their little patrols to do their job with the inclusion of older stickers?

See, this is the kind of petty stuff that pisses many of us off.


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #85 on: July 15, 2011, 03:12:48 pm »
I have four registration stickers on my car, which is lame but it is what it is, and I've never been nailed for it. We get parking tickets all the time but have never been dinged for that.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #86 on: July 15, 2011, 03:53:27 pm »
You get a ticket if you have not REMOVED the previous year's registration tag in your windshield. 
Wow, I didn't know this.

I usually remove mine fairly promptly anyway, but I thought it was an aesthetic concern; I didn't know it was a requirement.

I feel like I've seen some cars with not just their previous registration sticker but also the one preceding it!

My neighbour still has her 2004 VA window sticker on her truck....just say'n!  ;D


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #87 on: July 15, 2011, 06:22:39 pm »
 I find it interesting that we "suburbanites" are characterized as takers, and not contributing to DC's coffers..... EVERY single time I go into DC, it's basically to spend money in one way or another, either at a concert, restaurant, ballgame, etc, and I'm pretty sure the DC gov't get's its kickbacks taxes on what I spend..... I certainly don't head in to drive around on DC's wonderfully maintained roads all day for kicks and then head back home......


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #88 on: July 15, 2011, 06:42:02 pm »
^ Exactly!

Then when you consider the high percentage of Federal jobs that 'some' of the residents seem to believe are being paid out from their pockets. Okay, they do contribute but so do the people in all 50 states (via taxes, fees, etc.) and then some! At least the District and its residents profit and have income in many ways by being the home to these jobs. Then there's the money spent by the workers within the District in many different ways. In fact, DC is one of the only parts of the US that is not hurting so drastically right now with this horrendous economy, thanks to all of those Federal jobs that all 50 outside of the District and various visitors and other entities pay for.

Guess it's just the typical DCcratic mentality that expects all 50 to 'contribute' but damned if any of us receive any of the goods.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 06:53:58 pm by Jaguar »


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Re: DC Parking Shenanigans
« Reply #89 on: July 16, 2011, 01:21:02 pm »

Beyond that, I am highly skeptical of the description of any regulation described on this board

the camera cars scan plates in "residential" areas.  if you are flagged twice within 180 days, you are issued a warning telling you that you need to register.  that registration lasts one year.  you can do it in person, through the mail, or online.

several people at the club, including me, have had to go through this process since our neighborhood became "residential."