Author Topic: XM vs. Sirius?  (Read 9425 times)

I Dare

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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2006, 05:25:00 pm »
nah not an official pest.
 i cant do much from my location i suppose.
 i will be up in ny on friday and i'm gonna do the walk over with O&A in the morning.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2006, 05:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by I Dare:
  nah not an official pest.
 i cant do much from my location i suppose.
 i will be up in ny on friday and i'm gonna do the walk over with O&A in the morning.
LMAO!!! 9 guys walking across the street together. you "pests" are funny fuckers. keep the laughs coming   :cool:  
 what was the figure of people who switched to XM for O&A.. something like 30,000??? hmmmm. and they took "90 percent of stern's audience"??? how is that possible when they havent had an arbitron book yet??
 that being said, they'll probably do well on FM since there's literally NOTHING to listen to anymore. but their show still sucks, and they'll always be second-rate wanna-be's. good day sir.

I Dare

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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2006, 06:47:00 am »
Originally posted by danknugz:
Originally posted by I Dare:
  nah not an official pest.
 i cant do much from my location i suppose.
 i will be up in ny on friday and i'm gonna do the walk over with O&A in the morning.
LMAO!!! 9 guys walking across the street together. you "pests" are funny fuckers. keep the laughs coming      :cool:    
 what was the figure of people who switched to XM for O&A.. something like 30,000??? hmmmm. and they took "90 percent of stern's audience"??? how is that possible when they havent had an arbitron book yet??
 that being said, they'll probably do well on FM since there's literally NOTHING to listen to anymore. but their show still sucks, and they'll always be second-rate wanna-be's. good day sir. [/b]
yeah, wannabe's is exactly what they.
 even howard admitted to putting a gag order on opie and anthony. they weren't even allowed to say his name on air because howie got pissed. so they started saying "radio edit" when referring to his old ass, and then he made it to where they couldn't say that. then his hypocritcal ass got pissed off when his daughter appeared nude in a play but he can throw bologna at a girls ass and its called entertainment. he wanted to be xm but even xm knew he wasn't worth 500 mil.
 i hope cbs wins their case against him. he has to hold press conferences now cause he knows no one listens to him. and you think there are only 9 pests? they got a news reporter fired, they made direct tv change their policy and got O&A back on one of their channels. there were more O&A pests/signs at howard march to the sirius studios than there were stern fans. they also ruined scott ferrel's one week run on sirius. now all he does is a recap of howard and bubba shows. so yeah there are only 9 pests. hoo hoo.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2006, 09:50:00 am »
come on.  just admit it.  if you like howard, you don't like howard's competition.  if you like howard's competition, then you don't like howard.  end of story, end of whatever else.  they both make more money than anybody on here, and just love the fact that morons like us across the globe are arguing like children on the short bus because of the simple fact that they exist.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #34 on: May 08, 2006, 04:03:00 pm »
Originally posted by walkonby:
  come on.  just admit it.  if you like howard, you don't like howard's competition.  if you like howard's competition, then you don't like howard.  end of story, end of whatever else.  they both make more money than anybody on here, and just love the fact that morons like us across the globe are arguing like children on the short bus because of the simple fact that they exist.
I Dare.. I didn't need you to write a novel about how much howard hurt opie and anus' feelings. i just wanted you to answer the questions I asked.. so exactly how many people were willing to pay to listen to O&A? how exactly did they take all his listeners????
 walkonby.. not necessarily true. you dont have to be a blind fan to be a fan. the reason i dont like O&A isn't cuz of what howard thinks (he doesnt even talk bad about them anymore.. i think he couldn't care less) - its because their show fucking BLOWS. the best guests they have are the ones that used to be on stern's show, and all they do with them is ask questions about howard. the few times i tuned into their XM show, at least an hour (if not more) was dedicated to playing stern clips and trying to bash him. those guys are disgruntled fanboys and so are most of their followers. they call howard "old", yet anthony is only like 4 years younger than howard (and looks about 5 years older than him!)
 i give them props for having kevin smith on for an entire 4 hours, and having jimmy norton as the third mic (the only thing they got going for 'em) but thats it.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2006, 08:28:00 pm »
oh and by the way mister nugz. . . i like your name.  
 i enjoy how now they are offering a deal to howard, just like the one o and a have.  they want howard to do a cut down version of his sirius show and put it up against o and a on the cbs owned channels.  howard is even "considering" doing it because of the pathetic lawsuit cbs filed against him, since he knows that his free show will destroy o and a's free show.  it's already doing that quite well on satellite.  cheers to the the god that is stern.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2006, 08:36:00 pm »
PLEASE....let it replace those intensly annoying asshole Junkies on HFS! PLEASE!!!! Heck, I'd even settle for O&A. Anybody!!! I need something to switch to during my morning drive when I don't feel like fooling around with CDs and WTMD has played yet another crap DMB or John Mayer song or some other shit like that, which they play about 85% of the time. I can't take it any longer!!!! The Junkies are even more annoying, or rather irritatingly obnoxious, than WTMD. Sometimes I give up and chill out to NPR hoping that when I switch back, something more tolerable has hit the waves.

I Dare

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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2006, 06:39:00 am »
O&A are close to 3 million on xm. which is just about as many people that sirius has subscribed.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2006, 10:05:00 am »
sirius had close to three to four million before howard, and now they are at six million.  their stocks are up, and the first quarter of sirius for 2006 destroyed xm's (not an opinion).  and there is no way, i think, for satellite to pinpoint exactly what their subscribers are listening to, so i would love to know how opie and anthony think that three million of xm listerners are tuning in to them.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #39 on: May 09, 2006, 10:18:00 am »
Originally posted by walkonby:
  sirius had close to three to four million before howard, and now they are at six million.  their stocks are up, and the first quarter of sirius for 2006 destroyed xm's (not an opinion).  
March 31, 2006:
 Total subscribers
 Sirius - 4,077,747
 XM - 6,501,859
 First quarter losses
 Sirius ($458.5mn)
 XM ($149.2mn)

I Dare

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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2006, 10:19:00 am »
they barely reached 3 mil after howard switched..
 and the 90% of their audience is just a joke
 they arent even syndicated fully yet


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2006, 01:52:00 pm »
wow . . . i thought i heard completly different first quarter figures!  i don't understand the stock thing, then.  their stock is not tanking, it's doing quite well.  you would think holders would bail on a company with such numbers.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2006, 02:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by walkonby:
  wow . . . i thought i heard completly different first quarter figures!  i don't understand the stock thing, then.  their stock is not tanking, it's doing quite well.  you would think holders would bail on a company with such numbers.
Most of a satellite radio company's costs are fixed.  Once the company hits X number of subscribers (reportedly X = ~10,000,000) then everything after that is gravy.  Essentially, those buying the stock are betting that the company will eventually get to that magic number of subscribers.


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2006, 02:48:00 pm »
Originally posted by walkonby:
  xm is tanking; it gave 55 million to oprah.
 siruis is gaining.  they don't waste $$.
 d.c. is a city based in freemason corruption.
 howard is god, opie and anthony just left xm.
 two sports on xm vs. every other sport on sirius.
 the jam channel on sirius makes bong noises.
Got a few issues with this post...he/she needs to lay off the pot because:
 $55 mil to Oprah, yes, but Sirius has HUNDREDS of these types of signings...
 How about the 500 Million they (Sirius) gave Howard?  And it has been documented that only a fraction of his listeners came with...
 O and A did not leave...they are doing 2 shows a day...both available on XM (uncensored) only one on free.
 Last time I checked XM had 6.5 million subs...Sirius was still less than is less than half "gaining"?
 Finally...the sports thing...wrong wrong wrong.  MLB, NHL, NBA, College Basketball, ESPN ESPN Radio (both on Sirius as well), World Cup...I can keep going.  Sirius has football


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Re: XM vs. Sirius?
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2006, 03:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jaguar:
  PLEASE....let it replace those intensly annoying asshole Junkies on HFS! PLEASE!!!! Heck, I'd even settle for O&A. Anybody!!! I need something to switch to during my morning drive when I don't feel like fooling around with CDs and WTMD has played yet another crap DMB or John Mayer song or some other shit like that, which they play about 85% of the time. I can't take it any longer!!!! The Junkies are even more annoying, or rather irritatingly obnoxious, than WTMD. Sometimes I give up and chill out to NPR hoping that when I switch back, something more tolerable has hit the waves.
how about elliot in the morning?
 relax, just a joke. really though, i liked the junkies when they were on at night, but they really do suck in the mornings.