Elderly hunting enthusiasts from the Deep South have out-of-date views on homosexuality and race relations? Someone stop the presses, no one saw this coming!
I mean, I'm not condoning what the guy said at all (although it probably only rises to the level of "ignorant" and not full-blown "hateful") but is this really surprising? I have never even seen this show and I could've told you the cast would probably have some out-of-touch worldviews on social issues.
I do not think it is ignorance at all. he has strong religious beliefs and stands by them. He never said he hated anyone or that it was his place to judge, but God's. The man thinks homosexuality is a sin. Big deal. Just as it is no big deal who Walky or anyone else choose to have a relationship with.
On a side note, it would really be a good thing for this country as a whole to get over the games it (led by the media) plays by baiting us all into spending so much time and effort on surface issues that don't mean shit in the greater scope of things and stared working on real problems and REAL solutions. For way to long we have been going down the road of making band-aid solutions that do nothing so solve problems but make us feel good about ourselves all of which has been greatly exacerbated over the last 5+ years.