[Setting: Jerry's apartment]
HELEN: Who did you talk to?
JERRY: Uncle Leo.
HELEN: And when's the funeral?
JERRY: I don't know. He said he'd call back.
MORTY: You know what this means, don't you? We lost the supersaver. Those tickets are non-refundable.
HELEN: She just had a check-up. The doctor said she was fine. Unless..
JERRY: What?
HELEN: What? Nothing.
JERRY: You don't think.. What? The pony remark?
HELEN: Oh, don't be ridiculous. She was an old woman.
JERRY: You don't think that I killed her?
MORTY: You know what the flight back'll cost us?
JERRY: It was just an innocent comment! I didn't know she had a pony!
MORTY: Maybe we can get an army transport flight. They got a base in Sarasota, I think.
JERRY: The whole thing ws taking out of context. It was a joke. (Phone rings) That's probably Uncle Leo.
(Helen picks it up)
HELEN: Hello? ..Yes, I know.. Well, it's just one of those things.. Sure, sure, we'll see you then. (Hangs up) The funeral's Wednesday.
JERRY: Wednesday? What, what Wednesday?
HELEN: Two o' clock, Wednesday. (Jerry shrugs) What?
JERRY: I've got the softball game on Wednesday. It's the championship.
HELEN: So? You're not obligated. Go play in your game.
JERRY: I didn't even know the woman.
HELEN: So don't go.
JERRY: I mean I met her three times. I don't know her last name.
HELEN: Jery, no one's forcing you.
JERRY: I mean, who has a funeral on a Wednesday? That's what I want to know. I mean, it's the championship. I'm hitting everything.
HELEN: I don't have a dress to wear. (To Morty) And you. You don't have anything.
MORTY: I got a sport jacket.
HELEN: You're not wearing that to a funeral.
MORTY: What's wrong with it?
HELEN: It looks ridiculous.
MORTY: What? I'm gonna buy a new jacket now?
JERRY: I don't know what to do.
MORTY: ..You know what this funeral's gonna wind up costing me? Oh boy!
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Night club]
JERRY: We don't understand death. And the proof of this is that we give dead people a pillow. And, uh, I mean, hey, you know. I think if you can't stretch out and
get some solid rest at that point, I don't see how bedding accessories really make the difference. I mean, they got the guy in a suit with a pillow. No is he going to a
meeting, or is he catching forty winks? I mean, let's make up our mind where we think they're going.
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Coffee Shop]
ELAINE: I actually like ponies. I was just trying to make conversation. What time's your game?
JERRY: Two Forty-Five.
ELAINE: And what time's the funeral?
JERRY: Two o' clock.
ELAINE: How long does a funeral take?
JERRY: Depends on how nice the person was. But you gotta figure, even Oswald took forty-five minutes.
ELAINE: So you cna't do both?
JERRY: You know, if the situation were reversed and Manya had some mah-jongg championship or something, I wouldn't expect her to go to my funeral. I would
ELAINE: How can you even consider not going?
GEORGE: You know, I've been thinking.. I cannot envision any circumstances in which I'll ever have the opportunity to have sex again. How's it gonna happen? I
just don't see how it could occur.
ELAINE: You know, funerals always make me think about my own mortality and how I'm actually going to die someday. Me, dead. Imagine that.
GEORGE: They always make me take stock of my life and how I've pretty much wasted all of it, and how I plan to continue wasting it.
JERRY: I know, and then you say to yourself, "From this moment on, I'm not going to waste any more of it." But then you go, "How? What can I do that's not
wasting it?"
ELAINE: Is this a waste of time? What should we be doing? Can't you hae coffee with people?
GEORGE: You know, I can't believe you're even considering not playing. We need you. You're hitting everything.
ELAINE: He has to go. He may have killed her.
JERRY: Me? What about you? You brought up the pony.
ELAINE: Oh, yeah, but I didn't say I hated anyone who had one.
GEORGE: (To Jerry) Who's going to play left field?
JERRY: Bender.
GEORGE: Bender? He can't play left. He stinks. I just don't see what purpose is it going to serve your going? I mean, you think dead peole care who's at the
funeral? They don't even know they're having a funeral. It's not like she's hanging out in the back going, "I can't believe Jerry didn't show up."
ELAINE: Maybe she's there in spirit. How about that?
GEORGE: If you're a spirit, and you can travel to other dimensions and galaxies, and find out the mysteries of the universe, you think she's going to want to hang
around Drexler's funeral home on Ocean Parkway?
ELAINE: George, I met this woman! She is not traveling to any other dimensions.
GEORGE: You know how easy it is for dead people to travel? It's not like getting on a bus. One second. It's all mental.
JERRY: Fifty years they were married. Now he's moving to Pheonix.
ELAINE: Phoenix? What's happening with his appartment?
JERRY: I don't know. They've been in there since, like, World War II. The rent's three hundred a month.
ELAINE: Three hundred a month? Oh my God.
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Funeral home]
(The eulogy is in progress. Jerry attended afterall)
MAN: Although this may seem like a sad even, it should not be a day of mourning.. for Manya had a rich, fulfilling life. She grew up in a different world - a simpler
world - with loving parents, a beautiful home in the country, and from what I understand, she eve had a pony.. (Jerry throws his hands up) Oh, how she loved that
pony. Even in her declining years, whenever she would speak of it, her eyes would light up. It's lustrous coat, it's flowing mane. It was the pride of Krakow. (Jery
sinks in his seat)
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Anteroom of funeral parlor]
JERRY: (Looking at his watch) Well, the game's starting just about now.
HELEN: It was good that the two of you came. It was a nice gesture.
(Scene cuts to Morty talking to an intern)
INTERN: I'm not a doctor yet, Uncle Morty. I'm just an intern. I can't write a note to an airline.
MORTY: You've got your degree. They don't care. They just want to see something.
(Scene cuts back to Jerry)
JERRY: (To Isaac) I just wanted to say how sorry I was..
LEO: (Interrupting) Jerry, you wanna hear something? Your cousin, Jeffrey, is switching parks. They're transferring him to Riverside - so he'll completely revamp that
operation, you understand? He'll do in Riverside what he did in Central Park. It's more money. So, that's your cousin.
(Scene cuts back to Morty)
MORTY: You don't understand, I've never paid a full fare.
JERRY: (To Isaac) Once again, I just want to say how sorry I am abou tthe other night.
ELAINE: Oh, me too.
ISAAC: Oh no, no, no. She forgot all about that. She was much mor upset about the potato salad.
ELAINE: So, I understand you're moving to Phoenix?
(Jerry shake his head and walks away)
ISAAC: Yeah, my brother lives there. I think Manya would've liked Phoenix.
ELAINE: Mmm.. gorgeous, exquisite town. Who, what's happening with your apartment?
ISAAC: Of course it's very hot there. I'l lhave to get an air conditioner.
ELAINE: Oh, you can have mine. I'll ship it out ot you.. but what about that big apartment on West End Avenue?
ISAAC: Although they say it's a dry heat.
ELAINE: Dry, wet.. what's happening with your apartment?
ISAAC: I don't even know if I should take my winter clothing.
ELAINE: I have an idea. Leave the winter clothing in the apartment, and I'll watch it for you and I'll live there and I'll make sure that nothing happens to it.
(Jerry comes back)
ISAAC: Oh, the apartment. Jeffrey's taking the apartment.
ELAINE: (to Jerry) Oh, Jeffrey.
JERRY: (To Elaine) You know Jeffery?
ELAINE: Yeah, from what I understand, he works for the Parks Department.
(Helen approaches Jerry)
HELEN: It's raining.
JERRY: (Moves to the window) It's raining? It's raining. The game will be postponed. We'll play tomarrow.
(Scene cuts back to Morty)
MORTY: Believe me, I wouldn't bother you if the army hadn't closed that base in Sarasota. Here, scribble a little something here.
INTERN: I can't. I'll get in trouble.
MORTY: Oh, for God's sakes!
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Coffee Shop]
GEORGE: Who gets picked off in softball? It's unheard of.
JERRY: It's never happend to me before.
ELAINE: I remember saying to myself, "Why is Jerry so far off the base?"
JERRY: I'll have to live with this shame for the rest of my life.
GEORGE: And they in the fifth inning, why did you take off on the pop fly?
JERRY: I thought there were two outs.
ELAINE: I couldn't believe it when I saw you running. I thought maybe they had changed the rules or something.
JERRY: It was the single worst moment of my life.
GEORGE: What about Sharon Besser?
JERRY: Oh, well, of course. 1973.
ELAINE: Makes you wonder, though, doesn't it?
JERRY: Wonder about what?
ELAINE: You know.. the spirit world.
JERRY: You think Manya showed up during the game and put a hex on me?
ELAINE: I never saw anyone play like that.
JERRY: But I went ot the funeral.
ELAINE: Yeah, but that doesn't make up for killing her.
GEORGE: Maybe Manya missed the funeral because she was off visiting another galaxy that day.
JERRY: Don't you think she would've heard I was there?
GEORGE: Not necessarily. (Elaine laughs)
JERRY: Who figures and immigrant's gonna have a pony?
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Night Club]
JERRY: What is the pony? What is the point of the pony? Why do we have these animals, these ponies? What do we do with them? Besides the pony ride. Why
ponies? What are we doing with them? I mean, police don't use them for, you know, crowd control. "Hey, uh, you wanna get back behind the barricades. Hey!
Hey, little boy. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Behind the barricades!" So somebody, I assume, genetically engineered these ponies. Do you think they could make them
any size? I mean, could they make them like the size of a quarter, if they wanted? That would be fun for Monopoly, though, wouldn't it? Just have a little pony and
you put him on the, "Baltic, that's two down, go ahead. Hold it. Right ther, Baltic. yeah, that's it. Fine. Right there, hold it right there."