Author Topic: ORIOLES  (Read 495443 times)

James Ford

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« Reply #1170 on: September 27, 2013, 10:26:55 am »

James Ford

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« Reply #1171 on: September 27, 2013, 10:27:29 am »
Is your wife still in college?

You complain about baseball and the Orioles and other people at the game more than anyone.  Biggest fan?  Sorry, you are not.  Just because you have some gear and season tickets (that you constantly complain about having bought) doesn't make you the best fan.

I complain about people sitting in seats that I paid for everytime I get up.  Why wouldn't I complain?Why can't the O's do a simple thing like keep the poor people out of my seats?  Why should I pay for good seats when I can just buy the cheapest tickets in the house and move up.  I also complained about when I got my tickets there was a ticket short and I send an nice email out to my ticket representative and he was rude to me and talked down to me and told me he didn't have time to help me.

I don't like that they sent playoff and world series tickets out to me in August and said if I wanted to buy them I had to either pay for them all now and if the games aren't played then I have to send a letter in writing to a certain addresss within a week and ask for my refund back or I would not get it.  Or I could pay half in August and there was no way for me to get a refund for the games that would never be played.

I have season tickets to the theater and the symphony and everyone is really nice.  The Orioles are rude and don't do their job. 

As for the team they kept sending Jim Johnson out game after game to lose them.  They kept playing Roberts when he brings down the team.   Am I not supposed to discuss this?  Maybe there shouldn't be an Orioles thread if we aren't allowed to actually discuss the team.

I do compliment the team on the beer selection, the pretzel selection and the Korean Tacos and Boogs Barbecue and Dempsey's place.   The Stadium is lovely. 

Maybe I have never being a sports seasons ticket holder I am not used to having people I bought stuff from being rude to me.  Maybe that is standard procedure.  But guess what I go to events outside of sports.  I don't need the Orioles they need me.  So f'em.  I am not buying tickets next year.  If I go I will go on Friday Night get the 5 dollar college tickets and then move up to the lower boxes like everyon else. 


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« Reply #1172 on: September 27, 2013, 10:31:06 am »
Is your wife still in college?

You complain about baseball and the Orioles and other people at the game more than anyone.  Biggest fan?  Sorry, you are not.  Just because you have some gear and season tickets (that you constantly complain about having bought) doesn't make you the best fan.

I complain about people sitting in seats that I paid for everytime I get up.  Why wouldn't I complain?Why can't the O's do a simple thing like keep the poor people out of my seats?  Why should I pay for good seats when I can just buy the cheapest tickets in the house and move up.  I also complained about when I got my tickets there was a ticket short and I send an nice email out to my ticket representative and he was rude to me and talked down to me and told me he didn't have time to help me.

I don't like that they sent playoff and world series tickets out to me in August and said if I wanted to buy them I had to either pay for them all now and if the games aren't played then I have to send a letter in writing to a certain addresss within a week and ask for my refund back or I would not get it.  Or I could pay half in August and there was no way for me to get a refund for the games that would never be played.

I have season tickets to the theater and the symphony and everyone is really nice.  The Orioles are rude and don't do their job. 

As for the team they kept sending Jim Johnson out game after game to lose them.  They kept playing Roberts when he brings down the team.   Am I not supposed to discuss this?  Maybe there shouldn't be an Orioles thread if we aren't allowed to actually discuss the team.

I do compliment the team on the beer selection, the pretzel selection and the Korean Tacos and Boogs Barbecue and Dempsey's place.   The Stadium is lovely. 

Maybe I have never being a sports seasons ticket holder I am not used to having people I bought stuff from being rude to me.  Maybe that is standard procedure.  But guess what I go to events outside of sports.  I don't need the Orioles they need me.  So f'em.  I am not buying tickets next year.  If I go I will go on Friday Night get the 5 dollar college tickets and then move up to the lower boxes like everyon else. 

No but I know people who still have their college id's.  I would just go with them. 


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« Reply #1173 on: September 27, 2013, 10:35:07 am »
I had a mini plan last year and the representatives could not have been nicer.

The Ushers at the stadium are always nice (to me and my friends and family anyway) and there's never been an issue with people leaving seats they're not supposed to be sitting in.  What did it take, around 30 seconds for people to move out of your precious seat?

What I will say about the team this year is that they fought for every win.  Sure Adam Jones shouldn't be swinging at junk pitches and needs to learn to take a walk, yes it sucks that Jim Johnson blew more saves than he did last year, but he still has 42 for the year, and that's pretty darn good for a closer.  It would have been nice if the offense could have showed up when they needed to, if Michael Morse wouldn't have been such a crap decision, if if and if....

But, it's a marathon, not a sprint.  I went to around 16 games this season, both at home and on the road and couldn't have had a better time watching the Orioles.  For me, it's about the invisible strategy of baseball.  Sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn't.  It's the way the game is played.

Like Buck says, "I like our guys".  Maybe that makes me a cheerleader, but I'm a proud one.  After watching every game and going at the end of September even in the 14 loosing seasons, it's nice to go and be proud that they made games in September matter.

I'm an all weather fan.


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« Reply #1174 on: September 27, 2013, 10:39:11 am »
I had a mini plan last year and the representatives could not have been nicer.

The Ushers at the stadium are always nice (to me and my friends and family anyway) and there's never been an issue with people leaving seats they're not supposed to be sitting in.  What did it take, around 30 seconds for people to move out of your precious seat?

What I will say about the team this year is that they fought for every win.  Sure Adam Jones shouldn't be swinging at junk pitches and needs to learn to take a walk, yes it sucks that Jim Johnson blew more saves than he did last year, but he still has 42 for the year, and that's pretty darn good for a closer.  It would have been nice if the offense could have showed up when they needed to, if Michael Morse wouldn't have been such a crap decision, if if and if....

But, it's a marathon, not a sprint.  I went to around 16 games this season, both at home and on the road and couldn't have had a better time watching the Orioles.  For me, it's about the invisible strategy of baseball.  Sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn't.  It's the way the game is played.

Like Buck says, "I like our guys".  Maybe that makes me a cheerleader, but I'm a proud one.  After watching every game and going at the end of September even in the 14 loosing seasons, it's nice to go and be proud that they made games in September matter.

I'm an all weather fan.

It took well over a minute both time people are in my seats. They seem to be annoyed that I am asking them to move.  The ushers should do their jobs.  As for your experience with your ticket rep being different than mine who knows if you ticket rep even works for the O's anymore.  Did you even have problems with your tickets?  Am I supposed to just like it that someone was rude to me for no reason?

I am guessing no one has ever sit in your seats because they are shitty seats.  Why are you telling me you never had anyone sit in your seats?  Why do I care?  I have people sitting in my seats all the time.  That is what is bothering me.  You must be a great friend.  Someone tells you their husband has left them and you state "My husband has never left me!!!" 


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« Reply #1175 on: September 27, 2013, 12:02:16 pm »
You crack me up.  I've never heard anyone bitch about people in seats as much as you.  Are you in the first row?  That might explain it.

I have bought seats all over the ballpark.  From the 8th row behind home plate on up. 

I have plenty of friends who are Orioles fans and who've had season tickets.  Your expectations for how you need to be treated in life are just a little over the top.  I'm sure your mom still does your laundry.


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« Reply #1176 on: September 27, 2013, 12:04:30 pm »
You should stop going to games at Camden then.  I don't know why anybody on here is trying to convince you otherwise.

Vote with your wallet.

James Ford

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« Reply #1177 on: September 27, 2013, 12:33:07 pm »
I'm going to wager that he makes his wife do his laundry.

. I'm sure your mom still does your laundry.


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« Reply #1178 on: September 27, 2013, 01:02:28 pm »
You crack me up.  I've never heard anyone bitch about people in seats as much as you.  Are you in the first row?  That might explain it.

I have bought seats all over the ballpark.  From the 8th row behind home plate on up. 

I have plenty of friends who are Orioles fans and who've had season tickets.  Your expectations for how you need to be treated in life are just a little over the top.  I'm sure your mom still does your laundry.

My expectations are not over the top at all.  I emailed my rep and nicely said that I was missing a ticket for one of my games and ask if he could help me. I said Hello [his name] and added "thank you" at the end.   He said there is no way a ticket could be missing as they have never had that happen before and he didn't have time to help me.   

So the tickets happen to be games for noon on a weekday and I wanted to exchange them so I found out there was a print-at-home option.  I took tickets to the stadium to exchange and the season ticket holder box office said they couldn't exchange them as they were reported sold.  Anyway it took me forever but there was finally a manager at the booth that was able to help me who was pleasant.

I don't know why you arguing me.  It makes you look stupid.  You are arguing to me about my experiences.  I have never had anyone sit in my seats anywhere I go.  It is a regular occurrence at Camden Yards.  My seats are at the end of an Aisle and are lower box seats.  I guess that is what appeals to people who sit in seats they didn't pay for.  I wouldn't mind so much except the people give me dirty looks at take their good old time leaving.  The one guy left his cell phone behind.  So I waited a few innings and then gave it to the usher.  Hopefully he got it back but I think payback is what he got.

As for my Laundary I do it myself and even fold it myself. .  I cook too. 

I don't complain about the team too much.  I like most of the players and the management.  My only complaint about the actual team is that Buck lets veteran players play no matter what their performance. JJ, Robert, and Markakis have had bad years but still get top billing. 

I do notice when I get club level seats that they won't let me get to the club level without my tickets.  Which I guess is an option if you don't like to be around the seat takers.  But I don't like sitting up that high and the beer selection is limited as well as the food.  They should just check peoples tickets or make the seats all general admission.


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« Reply #1179 on: September 27, 2013, 01:04:21 pm »
I'm going to wager that he makes his wife do his laundry.

. I'm sure your mom still does your laundry.

That worked with the first wife but these younger women have attitudes about things like "Do my laundary".  The girl I went out with before my current wife was 14 years younger than me but only cooked for me once the entire 3 months we went out.  Can you believe that? I bet she is still single. 


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« Reply #1180 on: September 27, 2013, 04:41:18 pm »
I'm with Atomic on this .. if he feels the customer service ain't cutting it he's entitled to feel that way and not renew...

the obvious question though is why are people always in his seat? do you get there late.. either way it should not happen... I'd hate having to deal with a bunch of bros in my seats or something.... also does it happen always or only some of the time?

i generally like the staff at Camden Yards... much friendlier than Nats Stadium (where they really could give two shits about you)

I dont' know though... I seem to recall that when the O's where winning Atomic was real happy with his plan and yapping about it left and right.. but maybe I'm mis remembering

If I lived in Baltimore I'd go to Camden Yards.. I also like the surrounding area/bars..its not like DC where everything is so damn pricey.


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« Reply #1181 on: September 28, 2013, 10:36:19 am »
Why can't the O's do a simple thing like keep the poor people out of my seats?

Good one.

In 14 years I never had a problem with my reps but I cannot blame anyone for bailing on the team if they'd had the issue you described.

Went to the last two games.  Had a blast.  Hope the offseason is a productive one.


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« Reply #1182 on: September 30, 2013, 01:16:14 pm »
I went to four games last week and had the best time!  Last two games were especially great.  I will miss Camden Yards in the winter!  Season tickets for me next year.  And heading to Chi-town to see them play on the road.  Should be a good two series!  I love Wrigley.


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« Reply #1183 on: September 30, 2013, 02:01:37 pm »
Went to Friday's game as I couldn't sell them on stub-hub.  Left after 7th.  It was another boring loss.  Maybe baseball isn't for me.  Why can't we get a soccer or hockey team in Baltimore?


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« Reply #1184 on: September 30, 2013, 04:00:16 pm »
I went to four games last week and had the best time!  Last two games were especially great.  I will miss Camden Yards in the winter!  Season tickets for me next year.  And heading to Chi-town to see them play on the road.  Should be a good two series!  I love Wrigley.

Went yesterday - what a mob scene.  So many early arrivers to get the bobblehead.  Great day, great time, great win.

Planning a trip to Chicago as well.  How are you going to get tickets?  Can you do that through the rep?