Paul Ryan pick will firm up the wingnuts who already are voting for the Romneybot but might scare away old people and moderates. He might pull out Wisconsin (although that is very questionable) but can wave bye to Florida for sure now.
Ryan worships Ayn Rand which in my opinion, makes him a despicable piece of garbage.
And this made me chuckle: One is a robot. One is a Randroid. And they're RUNNING FOR OFFICE! Watch the zany new comedy ROMNEY AND RYAN, coming this fall!
Everything Romney has done so far in this campaign, including this pick, has been to drive turnout of conservatives... they are not trying to attract independents but figure if they can get enough of "their" people out to the polls they can win.
As opposed to Bammy who, for the last four years and before, has done everything he can to pit every segment of our society against each other?
Who is Bammy?
Next time you want an answer, clown, call him President Obama.
Typical retort of one with no valid point. I call it like I see it. Bammy the savior is a farce which is clearly evident to those who choose not to buy into the great savior's hype of 'the gummint will fix everything by throwing more money at it". The man had two years of complete control in DC with him and his socialist cronies in charge of everything and they did NOTING at all but try to make themselves look good. Now they all sit and point fingers at their failures being the fault and responsibility of others. We wouldn't expect anything else form them, they and their clan always do everything they can to eliminate personal responsibility for anything. Its pretty sad that you are still being fooled, you otherwise seem to be a fairly educated person.
Like I said, unless you want to refer to him by his name you're going to be having a monologue with yourself.
Yawn... Unless you come up with a single valid point to support him and your absurd idolization of his majesty the savior, there is no need to reply on your part. Since we all know Bammy is a sham and his socialist ways always fail, there is no chance at all of you being able to do so. Ta ta my friend!
I have no interest..sorry..just can't get it up for engaging you... ... will happily vote for President Obama.. and don't provoke me or I'll send some money in or volunteer!
But I would point out to the distinguished peanut gallery that RatBastard seems like a loon much like many people who blindly and ignorantly spout hatred with respect to the President.. they don't talk about facts or ideas but use terms like "absurd idolization", "majesty the savior", "Bammy is a sham", "socialist ways always fail", etc. None of it supported by anything other than brown stuff he is pulling out of his ass.
At no point have I said that President Obama is perfect or a savior but if you support him you are ridiculed in this childish manner by people who exhibit less cranial capacity than the simians at the local zoo.