Author Topic: TBD  (Read 1218820 times)


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1380 on: April 05, 2013, 04:11:53 pm »
Nuff said, no explanation needed...

yup, and if he couldn't have access to guns, he wouldn't have killed that many people.

solution: make guns harder to get, and limit what kind of guns people can own.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1381 on: April 05, 2013, 06:58:02 pm »
And another article under the topic of 'Why is this even newsworthy in this day and age'...

since apparently you need to have it explained to you: it's a story because there is either one or zero openly gay players in the NFL, i believe.  little boys look up to professional sport players.  maybe when they see some of their idols as proudly gay, or supportive of their gay teammates, then they'll be safer and/or more tolerant.  the is a strong anti-gay culture in professional sports and this story is helping to break down that culture (oh, wait, conservatives hate change).  that same culture is leading to kids being beaten by other kids because of who they are. 

taking a step back, the following doesn't necessarily apply to RB:

it's laughable how the right wing has moved from vocal opposition to all things gay, to trying to dismiss gay issues entirely.  it's a regular comment in any story about gay rights: "why is this even in the news, it's a personal matter, don't shove your sexuality in my face", etc.  it's understandable, tho: for a while the right wingnuts and religious bigots though they had control or at least influence in society so they got on their soapboxes to shout down all things gay.  now, the times have passed them by.  they are no longer relevant.  and since no one is listening to them, the best they can hope for is to get others to ignore what they would rather have go away - like gay rights.

and it's funny how NOW they don't want someone else's sexuality shoved in their face, considering the right's track record of messing with others' sexuality (sex ed, abortion, anti-gay-marriage, abstinence-only programs, etc)

Two words... WHO CARES?  Being gay is a non-issue.  We are all equal right?  No player in the NFL has ever come out a straight either.  Just as much a non-issue.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1382 on: April 05, 2013, 07:05:33 pm »
Nuff said, no explanation needed...

yup, and if he couldn't have access to guns, he wouldn't have killed that many people.

solution: make guns harder to get, and limit what kind of guns people can own.

There is no way possible to make it so he (or anyone) CAN'T have access to guns.

He could have just as easily killed as many or more people without a gun.

(First absurd statement proven bullshit.)

Gee making drugs illegal is keeping drugs out of the hands of everyone right so surely making guns illegal will do he same.

You CANNOT "limit the what types of guns people can own".  It is impossible.  Just as you cannot limit what drugs people can use.

(Second absurd statement proven bullshit.)

The whole crux of your 'penalize law abiding citizens for the acts of criminals' debate is that these very same police will protect us in case anything happens, but in this case not only didn't they do that, they made the decision not to.

Solution take keyboards away form ignorant assholes so they won't make such asinine statement on public forums.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1383 on: April 06, 2013, 01:16:58 am »
Two words... WHO CARES?  Being gay is a non-issue.  We are all equal right?  No player in the NFL has ever come out a straight either.  Just as much a non-issue.

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god... please tell me you don't actually think this, and that you're just trolling.  because i know you're a human, and therefore somewhere way back we have a common shared ancestor, and i can't stand the thought of being related to someone so unaware, uncaring and/or stupid.  i can't live with that.  i just can't.

i am gay and i like cats

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1384 on: April 08, 2013, 10:49:34 am »
my random thought of the day

if you are not gay . . . shut up about gay rights, gay marriage, gay anything.  your opinions are not invited.  its because of non gays that gays have to fight for their rights in the fucking first place.  get your nose out of our business and worry about who you are fucking outside of your traditional marriage.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1385 on: April 08, 2013, 11:28:09 am »
What a wonderful way to perpetuate the notion that we are all equal.

i am gay and i like cats

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1386 on: April 08, 2013, 11:42:03 am »
sorry . . . humans decided we arent long before i came around.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1387 on: April 08, 2013, 11:54:09 am »
Yeah good thing we never had any movements for things like civil rights and women's rights because the last thing I need are uppity bitches and coloreds all messing up my voting shit.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1388 on: April 08, 2013, 11:56:03 am »
And all you straight assholes who believe that all people should have the same rights and are talking about it, demonstrating their support and fighting for this cause? You guys should just shut up and go home because that will help so much more.

Justin Tonation

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1389 on: April 08, 2013, 12:24:58 pm »
Can I change my avatar now?
😐 🎶


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1390 on: April 08, 2013, 12:28:55 pm »
I guess I shouldn't have voted for legalizing gay marriage in Maryland then as it was none of my business I just shouldn't have voted at all. 


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1391 on: April 08, 2013, 02:14:22 pm »
Whatever happened to the band Suburban Kids with Biblical Names.  They put out that one masterpiece of an album in 2005 and nothing since. 

James Ford

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1392 on: April 08, 2013, 02:39:57 pm »
I blame Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1393 on: April 09, 2013, 09:10:57 am »
I remember when Bitcoins were $7-8 a piece and never bought any. They are at $210 right now. I am a sad panda.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #1394 on: April 09, 2013, 09:31:25 am »
Yeah, no shit. Damn you Silk Road for having so many enticing drug deals!