There are many more college girls in Columbus than Baltimore, that's one thing.
At a prior company they offered to move me to Columbus, Ohio and if I couldn't sell my house in 3 months they would buy it from me. Plus they would give me a raise. House prices are cheap in Columbus and there isn't much traffic and it seems like a decent city but in the end I decided not to move.
I'd say that's probably one of the better decisions you've made in your life. Why would one want to live in Ohio?
Yeah hot Ohio State chicks, good food, and realtively low crime. It has stuff going for it. Plus they have a hockey team and an outdoor music venue right downtown. But never order crab cakes in Ohio. Size of a quarter and taste like poop.
I had to travel there quite a few times for that company. It isn't so bad but it takes a little more than that to get me to move. If San Francisco was the same cost of living or I got paid twice as much in salary I would move there. Unfortunatley, housing is much more and income is only a little more.