Author Topic: TBD  (Read 1218941 times)


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2610 on: January 09, 2014, 05:51:46 pm »
Perhaps!  Then again damn near any browser is far better than Chrome.

yes, like Internet Explorer!

<rolls eyes>

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2611 on: January 09, 2014, 07:20:06 pm »
chrome blows.  ie is dated, yes, but by far more secure that anyting else.  the super muscled, drop dead hunkarific i.t guy who works at my office, told me so.   

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2612 on: January 09, 2014, 07:37:13 pm »
i love my job . . . i hate my job

You don't hate your job.  You just hate the lookie lous (except for the hot young men).

lookie lous?  you know thats a rupaul term?  good lord, rb . . . good lord.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2613 on: January 09, 2014, 10:18:37 pm »
i love my job . . . i hate my job

You don't hate your job.  You just hate the lookie lous (except for the hot young men).

lookie lous?  you know thats a rupaul term?  good lord, rb . . . good lord.

Never heard it in that context before.  I always heard it used by real estate people.  So this is a double header for you then!  So at least in one sense of reality you go both ways...

(I was actually going to hit the drag race show but my friend Kim is not doing so well with her fibro and her husband Doug just had spinal fusion.  Thus the road trip is not possible.  That show owuld be quite interesting to see I am sure.)


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2614 on: January 09, 2014, 10:20:09 pm »
chrome blows.  ie is dated, yes, but by far more secure that anyting else.  the super muscled, drop dead hunkarific i.t guy who works at my office, told me so.   

No browser is any more or less secure than any others.  They all have weaknesses.  The hunk was trying to hit on you and you missed it!

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2615 on: January 09, 2014, 10:35:39 pm »
oh he so wasnt . . . hes happily married.  i never do inner office romances.  i am a pro . . . fessional.  and im happily married too, even though its not legal in virginia, yet.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2616 on: January 09, 2014, 10:41:17 pm »
oh he so wasnt . . . hes happily married.  i never do inner office romances.  i am a pro . . . fessional.  and im happily married too, even though its not legal in virginia, yet.

Did I ever tell you that I voted NO to the ballot question about banning same sex marriage in VA?  Even though I am opposed to same sex marriage, the issue was worded in a way that I could not vote for it.  Basically the question was worded so that it said (paraphrasing) "The Virginia constitution shall NEVER be amended to allow same sex marriage".  Had they left the word NEVER out I could have voted for it.  Anyway, I am happy for you and hope that if the day ever does come that VA allows same sex marriages that y'all have a wonderful ceremony.

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2617 on: January 09, 2014, 10:45:18 pm »
normally, i should hate you for being opposed to gay marriage . . . but i do not.  you know why?  because im not a hater, im a human being.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 10:47:37 pm by walkonby »


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2618 on: January 09, 2014, 10:55:11 pm »
We just happen to see things differently.  In this case it does have a direct impact on you personally but as you well know my views are not personal towards you or anyone else nor are they based on hate.  I am pretty sure that the day will come when same sex marriage is allowed in all states.  If that is what most people want and it gets voted in then that is what should happen. 

Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2619 on: January 10, 2014, 10:38:20 am »
im happily married too, even though its not legal in virginia, yet.
Might be a long time for this passes in VA....the rednecks still outnumber the NOVA population.
But that's changing
last election made it seem like VA was a blue state...

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2620 on: January 10, 2014, 11:00:47 am »
yeah i know.  it makes me sad.  ive lost friends when i came out, here in virginia.  i see the hatred run rampant out here "in the boonies" where i live on a daily basis.  but it will come.  my partner and i could go to another state to get married but we are not, becuase it is just a meaningless piece of paper and not fair to everybody else in the state, who are in love, and just want to be with the person of their dreams.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2621 on: January 10, 2014, 03:41:56 pm »
Its sad that some people no longer considered you a friend based simply on who you are in a relationship with.  As cliche' as it sounds, you are probably better off without such friends anyway.  After all were they actually friends in the first place if they left over this?  I know there are a LOT of people who harbor hate toward others in society and that those people often base their political and social views based on these hates.  Just remember though that not everyone who disagrees with someone else does so based on hate.  I would much rather live in s a society where people had all kinds of different views and opinions than live in one where everyone thought the exact same way.  God that would be a fucking boring ass place to live!


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2622 on: January 10, 2014, 03:48:03 pm »
I would much rather live in s a society where people had all kinds of different views and opinions than live in one where everyone thought the exact same way. 

But how would we determine who was right?  Oh, I know!  A knockdown, dragout on an unrelated message board!


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2623 on: January 10, 2014, 03:48:52 pm »
I would much rather live in s a society where people had all kinds of different views and opinions than live in one where everyone thought the exact same way. 

But how would we determine who was right?  Oh, I know!  A knockdown, dragout on an unrelated message board!

Opinions and beliefs do not have the property of being right or wrong.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #2624 on: January 10, 2014, 03:49:33 pm »
Yes they do.