Author Topic: TBD  (Read 1214316 times)


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3615 on: June 11, 2014, 05:59:26 pm »
thinking about the future is near impossible for the anti-immigrant simpletons.  they want to hate now.

I actually do not know anyone who is anti immigration.  That would be just plain silly.

you never randomly run into one of those nutjob "let's build a wall and keep 'em all out!" folks?


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3616 on: June 11, 2014, 05:59:38 pm »
If you want to someday receive something from that Social Security fund you have been paying into, you should welcome every immigrant with open arms.  Cause those self-absorbed Baby Boomer fuckers are going to spend the next 25-30 years pillaging that shit.

I think most people do welcome LEGAL immigrants.  However there is no justifiable reason to reward someone when their very first act of entering the country is to break the law.  It is 100% pure common sense.  All I am asking is that if someone wants to come to this country and be a citizen is that they do so legally. 


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3617 on: June 11, 2014, 06:01:32 pm »
thinking about the future is near impossible for the anti-immigrant simpletons.  they want to hate now.

I actually do not know anyone who is anti immigration.  That would be just plain silly.

you never randomly run into one of those nutjob "let's build a wall and keep 'em all out!" folks?

I think building a wall makes sense.  That doesn't mean you are anti-immigrant.  We should have a process though.  And not every immigrant needs to be from Mexico.  And you would want young people to come in who are educated. 


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3618 on: June 11, 2014, 06:04:24 pm »
thinking about the future is near impossible for the anti-immigrant simpletons.  they want to hate now.

I actually do not know anyone who is anti immigration.  That would be just plain silly.

you never randomly run into one of those nutjob "let's build a wall and keep 'em all out!" folks?



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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3619 on: June 11, 2014, 06:23:56 pm »
Any non-citizen who gets a PhD from a U.S. institution should get an H-1B visa with his sheepskin.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3620 on: June 11, 2014, 07:23:36 pm »
a soon to be crooked politician, beat a crooked politician . . . news at eleven.

yeah but at least he won't be the likely next Speaker of the House (second in line to the presidency)

The new guy's biggest campaign fight was against amnesty for illegal aliens.  I guess that is something we can all agree on. 

Not me..I am for limited legalization and a path toward legalization for all.....its just a matter of time my friend... a matter of demographics....math.....there are at least 53-55 million hispanics legally in this country...reproducing at a faster rate than any other group.... unless the Republican Party wants to lose every election moving forward they're going to have to work with Democrats on the issue of immigration... no matter what some of their constituency thinks... how do Republicans win if they give up on states like Colorado, Nevada, Florida and New Mexico.... there is simply no path to the presidency without hispanic support in so many swing states... Even North Carolina has a lot of hispanics...

There already is a path to citizenship.  It is called enter the country legally.  Hispanic does not equal illegal.  It is rather racist of you to make that generalization.  I can only imagine the backlash by libs had a conservative done that.  The work that needs to be done is enforce the immigration laws we have now.  There is nothing we should do that will reward someone who by the very first act in entering the country, broke the law.  I do think we need to make one revision to our law, that being we need to modify the 'if you are born here you are a citizen' law to be 'if you are born here and your parents are legal and citizens then you are a citizen.

You must have missed what I wrote, I want to think:

I wrote "there are at least 53-55 million hispanics legally in this country"

I await your apology.

Legal immigration is a joke...its not like the old days where you could come in..these days getting in line is like getting in a neverending line that never moves... those people here illegally are here because they are needed as workers..they don't come here just to hang out!... you want to stop illegal immigration? don't give them jobs... they're going to keep coming as long as they can get jobs... there is a great hypocrisy to the position that they should come legally but hey if you come illegally we'll give you jobs..of course we'll exploit you... why are those guys outside the hardware store or 7-11 every morning picked up by Americans to work? Because they are cheap and do good work. America couldn't survive without illegal immigrants....

As far as the "if you're born here you're American" aspect... I think its served us fine for hundreds of years so I would not change it...


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3622 on: June 11, 2014, 08:19:41 pm »
a soon to be crooked politician, beat a crooked politician . . . news at eleven.

yeah but at least he won't be the likely next Speaker of the House (second in line to the presidency)

The new guy's biggest campaign fight was against amnesty for illegal aliens.  I guess that is something we can all agree on. 

Not me..I am for limited legalization and a path toward legalization for all.....its just a matter of time my friend... a matter of demographics....math.....there are at least 53-55 million hispanics legally in this country...reproducing at a faster rate than any other group.... unless the Republican Party wants to lose every election moving forward they're going to have to work with Democrats on the issue of immigration... no matter what some of their constituency thinks... how do Republicans win if they give up on states like Colorado, Nevada, Florida and New Mexico.... there is simply no path to the presidency without hispanic support in so many swing states... Even North Carolina has a lot of hispanics...

There already is a path to citizenship.  It is called enter the country legally.  Hispanic does not equal illegal.  It is rather racist of you to make that generalization.  I can only imagine the backlash by libs had a conservative done that.  The work that needs to be done is enforce the immigration laws we have now.  There is nothing we should do that will reward someone who by the very first act in entering the country, broke the law.  I do think we need to make one revision to our law, that being we need to modify the 'if you are born here you are a citizen' law to be 'if you are born here and your parents are legal and citizens then you are a citizen.

You must have missed what I wrote, I want to think:

I wrote "there are at least 53-55 million hispanics legally in this country"

I await your apology.

Legal immigration is a joke...its not like the old days where you could come in..these days getting in line is like getting in a neverending line that never moves... those people here illegally are here because they are needed as workers..they don't come here just to hang out!... you want to stop illegal immigration? don't give them jobs... they're going to keep coming as long as they can get jobs... there is a great hypocrisy to the position that they should come legally but hey if you come illegally we'll give you jobs..of course we'll exploit you... why are those guys outside the hardware store or 7-11 every morning picked up by Americans to work? Because they are cheap and do good work. America couldn't survive without illegal immigrants....

As far as the "if you're born here you're American" aspect... I think its served us fine for hundreds of years so I would not change it...

Are you a racist?  All I ever you talk about all the Hispanics.  We should let people from each country on equal terms.  They have so many kids because they are poor.  The reason they get jobs is because businesses want cheap labor and don't want to pay for any benefits.  We can head towards being a third world country or we can select people to come into the country that will help the country improve.   I am all for leafing in tons of immigrants but not just people to clean bathrooms and cut grass or work on road crews.  We have enough uneducated people here.  If you get an engineering degree from a good college welcome to the USA.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3623 on: June 11, 2014, 10:13:10 pm »

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3624 on: June 11, 2014, 10:15:58 pm »
Canada erupts in wild celebration
God, I've got to emigrate to Canada some day. So sad Sweets is already married because is total marry him for a green card... or whatever the Canadian version of that is.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3625 on: June 11, 2014, 10:52:54 pm »
If you want to someday receive something from that Social Security fund you have been paying into, you should welcome every immigrant with open arms.  Cause those self-absorbed Baby Boomer fuckers are going to spend the next 25-30 years pillaging that shit.

I think most people do welcome LEGAL immigrants.  However there is no justifiable reason to reward someone when their very first act of entering the country is to break the law.  It is 100% pure common sense.  All I am asking is that if someone wants to come to this country and be a citizen is that they do so legally. 

i've met and stayed with families in central america who have a few family members in the states. a young, bright member of their family tried to immigrate the right way and got denied.  next time, he decided to cross illegally.  when the difference is stay at home and make $1USD vs. $10USD abroad, the legality of what you're doing probably does not concern you very much.  by no means am i justiifying this, but i think it starts to paint the picture of why it's not so black and white. perhaps the answer is both make nationalization easier, and harsher penalties for those who do break the law. 


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3626 on: June 12, 2014, 01:55:50 am »

You must have missed what I wrote, I want to think:

I wrote "there are at least 53-55 million hispanics legally in this country"

I await your apology.

Legal immigration is a joke...its not like the old days where you could come in..these days getting in line is like getting in a neverending line that never moves... those people here illegally are here because they are needed as workers..they don't come here just to hang out!... you want to stop illegal immigration? don't give them jobs... they're going to keep coming as long as they can get jobs... there is a great hypocrisy to the position that they should come legally but hey if you come illegally we'll give you jobs..of course we'll exploit you... why are those guys outside the hardware store or 7-11 every morning picked up by Americans to work? Because they are cheap and do good work. America couldn't survive without illegal immigrants....

As far as the "if you're born here you're American" aspect... I think its served us fine for hundreds of years so I would not change it...

No way in hell that I can follow that multi-nested quote to figure out what it is you are commenting on.  Sorry, my dyslexia is fucking with me.  I believe what i was replying to was. (what I read as) you posting about hispanics being in the country legally being relevant in any way to how the country should deal with illegal immigrants.  I will however say this...

1) Illegals are NOT 'needed' to perform any jobs.
2) I am all for making it very detrimental for any employee who hires illegals.
3) The USA would be a Lot better off without illegals immigrants (a lot less freeloaders and CRIMINALS for those who work had and respect the law to support, they are criminals by definition when they choose to enter the country illegally).
4) The 'born here' may have worked in the past but it sure as hell isn't working now.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3627 on: June 12, 2014, 02:00:24 am »
If you want to someday receive something from that Social Security fund you have been paying into, you should welcome every immigrant with open arms.  Cause those self-absorbed Baby Boomer fuckers are going to spend the next 25-30 years pillaging that shit.

I think most people do welcome LEGAL immigrants.  However there is no justifiable reason to reward someone when their very first act of entering the country is to break the law.  It is 100% pure common sense.  All I am asking is that if someone wants to come to this country and be a citizen is that they do so legally. 

i've met and stayed with families in central america who have a few family members in the states. a young, bright member of their family tried to immigrate the right way and got denied.  next time, he decided to cross illegally.  when the difference is stay at home and make $1USD vs. $10USD abroad, the legality of what you're doing probably does not concern you very much.  by no means am i justiifying this, but i think it starts to paint the picture of why it's not so black and white. perhaps the answer is both make nationalization easier, and harsher penalties for those who do break the law. 

This begs the question of why he was denied.  Under these circumstances, he should have been immediately shipped back home and whoever it was that paid him $10 an hour should have been fined heavily.

By the logic above, if I can't get a decent paying job then it is justifiable for me to rob a bank in order to make a lot of money and to heck with it being illegal.  I do comprehend that you do not justify it, but it is still black and white.


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3628 on: June 12, 2014, 10:18:49 am »
If you want to someday receive something from that Social Security fund you have been paying into, you should welcome every immigrant with open arms.  Cause those self-absorbed Baby Boomer fuckers are going to spend the next 25-30 years pillaging that shit.

I think most people do welcome LEGAL immigrants.  However there is no justifiable reason to reward someone when their very first act of entering the country is to break the law.  It is 100% pure common sense.  All I am asking is that if someone wants to come to this country and be a citizen is that they do so legally. 

i've met and stayed with families in central america who have a few family members in the states. a young, bright member of their family tried to immigrate the right way and got denied.  next time, he decided to cross illegally.  when the difference is stay at home and make $1USD vs. $10USD abroad, the legality of what you're doing probably does not concern you very much.  by no means am i justiifying this, but i think it starts to paint the picture of why it's not so black and white. perhaps the answer is both make nationalization easier, and harsher penalties for those who do break the law. 

I am sure most of us would be better of if we moved to Norway.  But Norway isn't letting anyone who wants just to cross the border and get all the benefits and social support that they give their citizens. 


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Re: A Various Random Thoughts Thread
« Reply #3629 on: June 12, 2014, 10:58:57 am »
I think outlawing television and the internet would make everyone much healthier.  Who is with me?