FUCK CAT POWER. She came to Argentina took people's money (which was a lot in those days of a great depression down there) , including mine, and played a disgraceful show what with her nervous breakdown and all.
I'm tired of reading her bullshit. She can't make money selling out the 930 at what was it $40 a ticket? Give me a break.
i thought you were a liberal. You seem somewhere right of Hitler. Maybe you should become a tea party member.
ah I see.... I'm like Hitler now because I'm tired of Cat Power''s whiny woe is me interviews..or the fact she took my money and delivered a shit-show.
She is totally BS-ing .. I don't know why you're falling for it.
Think for a second about how much money she makes touring. Think about her work in fashion (Chanel, etc)...think about her songs being used in ads etc.
Being for universal healthcare or a liberal doesn't mean I have to like Cat Power or "feel sorry" for her. Doesn't work that way.
Get over your crush for her and think.
If she is claiming bankruptcy perhaps she did have high medical bills? Is that possible? Do you know they deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions. It is not like she tours constantly. Do you think she keeps the entire 40 dollars from your ticket? Don't you think the club gets a nice chunk of it. And her band? And she has to rent a bus, pay for hotel rooms, airplane tickets.
You act like 40 dollars is a ton of money to pay for her. But you were probably one of the suckers to pay 100+ to see Bruce Springstein in a baseball stadium. So 40 dollars for a show in a club seems reasonable ...Especially because Bruce has never had an album half as good as the Greatest.
You guys seem to get on female performers a lot. First it was Amanda Palmer and then Cat Power. If Cat Power had a nervous breakdown when you saw here I am sure it wasn't intentional and maybe that would prevent me from seeing in the future but it's not like she came out wasted or showed up 2 hours late. Have some empathy.
Empathy is my middle name. Chan is bullshitting you.... I don't begrudge her charging whatever she wants but a show where the gross had to be 40,000$ plus merch plus I think they get a cut on alcohol. she must have made some ducats. Multiply that by an entire tour!!!!!!! Trust me that her band is all on retainer and doesn't make much..thats the way the biz works..
As far as Bruce I got a free ticket.. wouldn't have gone otherwise.
Look, you love Cat Power and think she's the greatest thing since rice-a-roni? GREAT! But if she's broke then she's just not doing a good job with her money. Moreover, why does she feel like she has to share every stupid thought that crosses her head as if people should care ? Its highly annoying.. don't you get tired of constantly hearing about her problems with the boyfriends,booze, money, etc...
I do.. and I really don't believe a word she says anymore.