i dont hate black people. or even dislike them. my first girlfriend was black. my first friend at the age of five was a black girl called wendy. i have been fucked by plenty of black guys. god they fuck so great, but you can come back from black. i have never been scared of them but i know they just eat up the fact that so many white people are scared of them. gay people wish that straight people were as equally scared of the queers. the only problem i have with black people . . . is that i believe a great number of black people hate gay people. i mean in your fucking face hate gay people. more than most groups. i have seen it countless times, live and in person. the black person who finds it offensive to humans to be labeled a "n word" have no problem saying faggot every five minutes. thats all. i dont feel safe in cities, because they are cities. whether it is la, boston, dc, richmond, raleigh, miami, ny or any city . . . i do not feel safe. all white cities, all asian cities, all mexican cities, i do not feel safe. i put up with it. end of rant, which really wasnt a rant . . . because i didnt even get to say fuck off to anybody.