Wow, really wasn't expecting this one for some reason. He's been very active lately.
I bet more people saw lou live in his 60's than ever saw him in the 60's
Lou... NYC incarnate, gateway drug to the subversive and just so damn f'n cool.
I really never got deep into his solo stuff, but the 4 albums they he was a part of with VU have placed an indelible mark across my music appreciation.
Well, Transformer has never left the heavy rotation list either.
My introduction (besides WotWS) was in the early 90's. Close to 25 years after the music was recorded and I was in awe and really have never lost my reverence for those albums. It is a rare bird that can be so timeless. They do not sound one bit dated to me.
It wasn't until later I learned that nearly every one of the artists I'd liked for the last 30 years were all citing him as an influence.
I saw him at the 9:30 about 10 years ago and that had to be one of my favorite 9:30 experiences and just live music in general. He was rocking and just played all the songs I wanted to hear from VU and his solo stuff. Again, was so damn F'n cool up there in his 60's.
I do wish the whole VU crew mended their ways before people started dying.
A giant has fallen and all we have to look are his spectacular footprints