Author Topic: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion  (Read 1048527 times)


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Any of you fellas watch Vice? Compelling and depressing TV right there, folks.


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Three isolated examples do not a consensus make. Again, I ask for one study/report that shows a majority of US libraries have moved away from Dewey for non-fiction. I'll wait.

My point is that the mere fact your "wife" hasn't mentioned the term "beach fiction" or "beach novel," does not mean the term isn't widely used. I once dated a dentist. She talked about her job frequently. That did not mean I was 100% knowledgable about dentistry simply thru osmosis. Similarly, there may be terms used in literary circles or a library that you are unaware of, despite the fact you may or may not be married to a librarian.

Let me guess you are single now.  What a suprise.  Anyway I guess it is more fun for you to argue that I don't have a wife than to talk about the "How I met your mother" finale on a thread about TV.  

I like how you manage, in one page of one thread, to simultaneously claim that if you were single you'd be doing much more fun things than you are now and also to call a non-married person a loser because they're not married. Which is it?

I think as often as you are caught in just complete fabrications and lies, I see no reason for anyone to assume anything you say it face value. You might not be married. You might not be a man. You might be Miss P. You might be some kids MFA project. Who knows? You go out of your way to reveal no confirmable information about yourself or to ever meet anyone. Why would anyone treat you with credulity?

I have never lied about anything on here.  Please tell me my fabrications.  I haven't gone out of my way to not meet anyone.  In fact I was at a show at the Floristree which I told everyone I would be there. And I waited around after the show until everyone left. Also was at Neutral Milk Hotel show at 2640 space and informed everyone as much.   I am 6' 2" and have long blonde hair.  I am pretty easy to find.

I don't do board meet-ups.  Last time I did one three chicks hit on me and one of them ended up moving in with me.  Turned out to be a terrible mistake.  I am not hiding anything.  Just some people who seem normal online are not so normal when you meet them.    

When I was single I went to the gym every night.  Cooked myself healthy meals.  Went out with friends, took care of my house and dogs, and frankly had zero time to watch TV shows.  Although I have only been single for a total of  3 months during the last 22 years.  How did I call anyone a loser for being married?  

James Ford

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You should do board meetups.

I've probably met a dozen or more people from the board over the years and without fail, they have all been at least as pleasant and often more pleasant in person than online. I bet you're more pleasant to be around in person than online yourself.

By hiding, you only allow people to continue to think the worst of you.

And what's so bad about being hit on? Isn't it an ego boost? That said, 95% of those here are men, and the women here seem to be hitched anyway.


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Also was at Neutral Milk Hotel show at 2640 space and informed everyone as much.   I am 6' 2" and have long blonde hair.  I am pretty easy to find.
Too bad me walking around 2640 after Neutral Milk Hotel played yelling "atomic" and looking for a taller guy with long blond hair, didn't produce the desired results of us meeting. 


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Also was at Neutral Milk Hotel show at 2640 space and informed everyone as much.   I am 6' 2" and have long blonde hair.  I am pretty easy to find.
Too bad me walking around 2640 after Neutral Milk Hotel played yelling "atomic" and looking for a taller guy with long blond hair, didn't produce the desired results of us meeting. 

I was in the back and you were in the front.   I waited at Floristree for that Gene Clark show until my friends and I were about the only ones there but you didn't end up going. I guess it wasn't meant to be.


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Any of you fellas watch Vice? Compelling and depressing TV right there, folks.'s coverage of the ukrainian crisis has been amazing ("russian roulette" series).

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Any of you fellas watch Vice? Compelling and depressing TV right there, folks.
The last episode of Season 1 where they went to the DPRK is still one of the most surreal things I ever saw. Great show. The night before's Bill Maher + Vice is my usual Saturday morning kickoff routine.


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Any of you fellas watch Vice? Compelling and depressing TV right there, folks.
The last episode of Season 1 where they went to the DPRK is still one of the most surreal things I ever saw. Great show. The night before's Bill Maher + Vice is my usual Saturday morning kickoff routine.

I like to end my weekend in depression and watch on Sunday evening vs. starting Saturday morning with sad thoughts.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Any of you fellas watch Vice? Compelling and depressing TV right there, folks.
The last episode of Season 1 where they went to the DPRK is still one of the most surreal things I ever saw. Great show. The night before's Bill Maher + Vice is my usual Saturday morning kickoff routine.

I like to end my weekend in depression and watch on Sunday evening vs. starting Saturday morning with sad thoughts.
Well, that's another way to do it. Do you at least temper it with some John Oliver? I like his show although I've always hated Stewart/Colbert so I'm a little surprised at my amusement.


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Any of you fellas watch Vice? Compelling and depressing TV right there, folks.
The last episode of Season 1 where they went to the DPRK is still one of the most surreal things I ever saw. Great show. The night before's Bill Maher + Vice is my usual Saturday morning kickoff routine.

I like to end my weekend in depression and watch on Sunday evening vs. starting Saturday morning with sad thoughts.
Well, that's another way to do it. Do you at least temper it with some John Oliver? I like his show although I've always hated Stewart/Colbert so I'm a little surprised at my amusement.

I haven't seen that show... and probably never will.

i am gay and i like cats

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i came on here, after one day of not looking . . . and good lord.  posts of the week, all around.


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I need to find some new shows to watch this summer, since all of the shows I watch are ending for the season soon. 

So far my summer list includes:
Bates Motel
True Blood
True Detective
Walking Dead (just the newest season)

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Try FX's The Bridge.


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I just read a synopsis on it (I do not have cable or satellite so I do not always hear about new shows) and it sounds interesting.  I also want to check out the Killing.


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Has anyone watched the new Fargo series? I've heard from a one person that it's good.