Author Topic: SPOILER WARNING: Prestige Television Discussion  (Read 1066816 times)


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make me think he got bullied horribly at some point in his life and has flashbacks that causes him to "come hard" at people who politely asked what he's referring to because the topic seemed
Nope, you are way off. But please continue to make assumptions on me and my past based off of Some dumb posts on a message board. No I was never "bullied horribly" at any point in my life.


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Did killsaly melt down and quit the board again?


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Did killsaly melt down and quit the board again?

Stop bullying members off the board Yada. 

i am gay and i like cats

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i cant watch that, im only on episode two.  stop spoiler bullying me


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What did people think of the Game Of Thrones finale? There was 1 satisfying ending to me. Everything else was kind of disappointing seeing as how everything felt like it was leading up to something, instead it felt like this was the 2nd to last episode of the season, not the finale.


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What did people think of the Game Of Thrones finale? There was 1 satisfying ending to me. Everything else was kind of disappointing seeing as how everything felt like it was leading up to something, instead it felt like this was the 2nd to last episode of the season, not the finale.

I liked it... in general, I thought this was the best season of GoT.


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It wasn't my favorite, I've actually become bored, but maybe it's just because all I expect is everyone to die so I haven't invested myself in any of the characters. It still is shot very well and has a gigantic scope visually. I'll continue to watch it because at the very least it is entertaining.

Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK

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Anyone else following True Detective casting reports on industry sites? Elizabeth Moss in talks for female lead with Michelle Forbes in talks for another character. Colin Farrell and Taylor Kitsch for big roles, and for some reason Vince Vaughn is in discussions too. Not loving Vince Vaughn, but the rest of that cast - the ladies especially - would be phenomenal.

Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK

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Halt And Catch Fire gets a second season. Does anyone other than me actually care?

Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK

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henry david thorough.
This is a hilarious auto-correct.

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Halt and Catch Fire wasn't perfect, but at least it's not another procedural.  I don't know what changed but Hell On Wheels stepped up their game in the first two episodes this season.

Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK

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Halt and Catch Fire wasn't perfect, but at least it's not another procedural.  I don't know what changed but Hell On Wheels stepped up their game in the first two episodes this season.
You know, I was also pleasantly surprised by the uptick in quality on Hell On Wheels.

H&CF has zero audience and everyone seemed to hate it. I didn't think it was great by any means but it did some interesting things and the lead actor is quite good. I don't get why people hated it so much, possibly just because the pilot was so different from the rest of the episodes and their expectations were skewed. I'm glad its coming back, but kinda shocked honestly.

Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK

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Think anyone at HBO is fervently having discussions about whose fault it is True Detective got sent out there as a Drama instead of a miniseries? Cost them several wins. Meanwhile, FX and AMC are looking like they played this brilliantly -- well, as long as you don't look ahead to what AMC has to put on once Mad Men ends in 9 months.

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Discussion of "boring" TV dramas predominately on pay cable
« Reply #373 on: September 02, 2014, 04:11:40 pm »
Kosmette and I binge watched "The Strain" this weekend and rather enjoying so far.  It's an interesting take on vampires,with some neat plot twists.

Liking the new Doctor Who so far

Not sure about Intruders, seems like some at BBC America said we need a horror series like everyone else.  Also, can't get over John Simms's horrible American accent in it.


Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK

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Re: SPOILER WARNING: Discussion of "boring" TV dramas predominately on pay cable
« Reply #374 on: September 02, 2014, 04:13:47 pm »
Kosmette and I binge watched "The Strain" this weekend and rather enjoying so far.  It's an interesting take on vampires,with some neat plot twists.

Liking the new Doctor Who so far

Not sure about Intruders, seems like some at BBC America said we need a horror series like everyone else.  Also, can't get over John Simms's horrible American accent in it.
The science-fiction-y-ness of all of those take them off my radar, but thanks for reporting in.

I'm binge-watching Treme right now (you know, as soon as it finished; seemed like a good time for me to jump on and see what it was about). Enjoying it. A little slow but same level of character development Simon brought to the Wire.