Killsally mentioned all the threads are causing to much clutter on the site. I tend to agree and I have some ideas on how to eliminate it.
1) Consolidate the "Just Announced", "Just Announced Commentary", "Just Announced NYC", "Just Announced non-mid atlantic", "what did you just buy tickets to", "this week's roll call", "ShowlistDC" and "ask Seth". These are all the same thing. You would think perhaps "Hey Seth" is not but it is. No one asking Seth to go on camping trips or stating "Hey Seth, lets go to that new Martini Bar on Friday Night". They are just asking him for shows he has already planned and they are just waiting for him to announce them.
2) Sports threads - Do we really need seperate threads for Capitals, Landover, NFL Team, and the Orioles? Plus that stupid soccer thread no one cares about. The Ravens should keep their own thread because they are champions.
3) Smacky thread. We can merge this into two other threads. He only talks about two things cell phones and sports. Put the cell phone stuff in the "nerds" thread and put the sport talk in the Sports thread.
4) New Music thread. We have What are you listening to right now, musilogical banter 2014 albums, 2013 albums, 2012 albums and I am sure in a month or so 2015 albums. No one reads any of these or cares what you are listening to.. Put them all together and people can easily by-pass them.
5) We have prestige TV and then we have specific show threads. No show deserves its own thread. Anytime you do start a show specific thread it is on some stupid show I don't watch.
6) DJ Sets - no one reads them and no one cares if they exist. Delete them and ban the users who started them as these people re bound to start more clutter.
This would make it easier to find quality threads like
* "would you hit it"
* "walky cat photos"
* "Julian's America"
*"Sexual Tension"
*"James Fords Rants againt bald men"
and also allowing for new cool threads like
* "Dog Photos",
* 'What cute thing did your baby do today"
*"Photos of your baby"*
"Financial Advice"
*"How to max out your 401k"
*"Cool Cars"
* "How to pick up hot chicks"
* "how to pick up hot guys"
* "How to raise your baby"
* "How my child is better than yours"
* "Expensive things I bought that makes me cooler than you".
* "Stuck in traffic"
* "Post your photo"
Man this place could become pretty nice with a little bit of changes.