I never said Muslims were the problem, Islam is the problem. I agree, there are many peaceful Muslims. There are even some that believe in gender equality and gay marriage.
so when you say "Islam is the problem" what do you mean when 1.4 billion Muslims believe in "Islam"?
You're just playing 8th grade semantics or something...
Look dude, if you have a case to make do it.. don't just just play your usual troll on this ok.... this is important... so far you have contributed NOTHING to resolving the problem.. we know there is a problem..... your one line "witty" retorts don't do anything....
You want to declare war on 1.4 billion muslims because they believe in "Islam" and "Islam" is responsible for terrorism (your assertion)
These people are not muslims.. they are terrorists pieces of human excrement.... saying they believe in god and have faith is giving them something they don't deserve and by association including all Muslims in the same bag.. that doesn't mean we can't have a discussion about what Muslims can do as a community to help prevent terrorism, etc....
But again, you propose NOTHING...