okay, who here is Michael Babyak?
I RTed 930's QT of this, as did others. If he's not careful he could get Devin Nunes-ed.
Hey, Michael, don't have a cow!
well Babyak may not be here...
but this sounds like space talking about Challanged....
@HHTMarc Replying to @babyak @930Club
except when you are up front since doors open and then the tall idiot whose had 2 beers feels the need to get as close as possible after the main act starts pushing until he's standing directly in front of you. It happens ALL the time
and this definitely sounds like walkie
@lovegravy Replying to @babyak @930Club
I just thrust my steely lovemuscle between the backs of the knees of guys like you until either you move or I cum