Author Topic: random . . . randomness  (Read 2055220 times)


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7395 on: October 17, 2023, 12:35:11 pm »
Enjoy some footage hutch

Am not sure why you would say this to me? If I was ill tempered I might say it’s very rude of you.

I was standing up for the rights of the Palestinians when you were probably just out of diapers….I have always supported the Palestinians but that does not extend to terrorists and I also believe one has to ask why they always resort to terrorism and focus so little on making the best of their opportunities. I cannot say the Palestinians are completely without responsibility for their political representatives being terrorists be it the PLO, Hamas or whoever.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7396 on: October 17, 2023, 12:38:43 pm »
Guys, can you all go back to discussing music and nothing else? The well-rounded versions of you all are even more intolerable than the dry recitation if vinyl records you're listening to.


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7397 on: October 17, 2023, 12:48:45 pm »

The Fall- Grotesque

Space Freely

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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7398 on: October 17, 2023, 12:57:27 pm »
When did Yada give up the diapers?


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7399 on: October 17, 2023, 01:01:39 pm »
When did Yada give up the diapers?

No idea…I just figure I am older than him

Space Freely

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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7400 on: October 17, 2023, 01:07:31 pm »


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7401 on: October 17, 2023, 01:44:45 pm »
 :( :o :o :(

And this is why no one has discussed it.

Bottom line,  if the IDF is willing to obliterate citizens,  I have zero sympathy for anything that happens.

A very simple statistic is the Ukraine vs Russia war...In 18 months of war, approximately 600 children have been killed vs. Over 1200 in a week in Gaza.

This "conversation" would be different if Israel wasn't breaking every humanitarian rule there is... no food, water,  electric, etc


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7403 on: October 17, 2023, 02:20:21 pm »
:( :o :o :(

And this is why no one has discussed it.

Bottom line,  if the IDF is willing to obliterate citizens,  I have zero sympathy for anything that happens.

A very simple statistic is the Ukraine vs Russia war...In 18 months of war, approximately 600 children have been killed vs. Over 1200 in a week in Gaza.

This "conversation" would be different if Israel wasn't breaking every humanitarian rule there is... no food, water,  electric, etc

I would be very wary of citing statistics…. You should cite your source and define what age range you are using to define children. Otherwise as far as I am concerned it’s just propaganda.

It’s always striking how Israel must play by the rules but the Palestinians do not. It’s just too simplistic to say Hamas is separate from the Palestinians.


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7404 on: October 17, 2023, 02:21:26 pm »
:( :o :o :(

And this is why no one has discussed it.

Bottom line,  if the IDF is willing to obliterate citizens,  I have zero sympathy for anything that happens.

A very simple statistic is the Ukraine vs Russia war...In 18 months of war, approximately 600 children have been killed vs. Over 1200 in a week in Gaza.

This "conversation" would be different if Israel wasn't breaking every humanitarian rule there is... no food, water,  electric, etc

I would be very wary of citing statistics…. You should cite your source and define what age range you are using to define children. Otherwise as far as I am concerned it’s just propaganda.

It’s always striking how Israel must play by the rules but the Palestinians do not. It’s just too simplistic to say Hamas is separate from the Palestinians.

ok space.


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7405 on: October 17, 2023, 02:22:07 pm »
Whatever, Azaghal


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7406 on: October 17, 2023, 02:26:03 pm »
For someone that's been "standing up for Palestinian rights" since I was in diapers, you seem to have forgotten some pretty solid facts about the past...


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7407 on: October 17, 2023, 02:35:16 pm »
Yeah, my outlook evolved as my experience grew. If you don’t learn you die.

I think two events, combined with personal issues, began to change my outlook.

1. The failed Palestinian-Israel peace talks in 2000. I still can’t believe the Palestinians turned down the agreement. It made me think their leadership isn’t interested in peace or a two state solution.

2. 9-11.

As far as personal, my father (RIP) was an anti-Semite who married a Jewish woman who converted to Catholicism. My mother being from a Jewish family was never really mentioned.  It took a while to form my own personal opinions about the conflict and surely as I grew to know more about the side of my family made up of Lithuanian and polish Jews it had an impact on me.

Still I wouldn’t say I ever stopped supporting the idea of a Palestinian state.

I doubt there is a fact you could teach me. You are way out of your depth here…no matter how many videos you watch.

Afraid I got to pick up the kids and go to work.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2023, 02:42:58 pm by Hutch »


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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7408 on: October 17, 2023, 03:25:12 pm »
Out of my depth... hutch, the guy coming here asking why no one wants to chit chat about an entangled debacle of generations,  yet doesn't see the issue with children being torn to shreds.

Great chat hutch!

Space Freely

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Re: random . . . randomness
« Reply #7409 on: October 17, 2023, 05:37:06 pm »

If this has happened anywhere else in the world pretty sure I would have seen some posts. People expressing sorrow…concern…anything

But I didn’t post anything either…

On a per capita basis what happened to Israel is the equivalent of if on September 11th the United States had lost 370,000 people. Maybe people can’t process the scope.

But it’s odd that when the Paris attacks happened there was quite a reaction around these parts and here….nothing.

On the other hand maybe it’s because the scale is so much bigger here we are shocked and just don’t know what to say.

Maybe we expect terrorism in Israel?

It’s weird…even in my own house I don’t talk about it much with Tiffiny. I have a much more pro Israel position than her so we find it better not to talk about it. I wouldn’t say she is not pro Israel just that she is a lot more concerned about the Palestinians. I think the Palestinians in Gaza have the government they want. I don’t believe Hamas are dictators ruling Gaza against the will of the people.

I'm going to be the stats geek here and say that the US population in 2001 was 280 million, which is about 30 times the current Israel population. I heard that 1400 Israeils died in the Multiply that by 30, and you get 42,000. Not 370,000. I'm not trying to diminish the gravity of what you're saying, just getting the numbers right.