Whoa you boned your wife for four hours? Impressive.
Did you give her a disappointing, lackluster boning for the first hour, to represent the 'undercard' debate? And then did you go primetime all over her ass for the final two hours? How many times did you scream JEB!
This is why I nominate YOU as board stand-up comic.
In reality, I don't have cable so there was no debate option.
As a 40something married dad, I'm sure you can relate to the rest of the reality....
In reality, part of the debate time was spent dealing with a fight between our spoiled only middle class child, and her mom. Both were acting like children, only one had the excuse of being a child.
In reality, the sex was very nice, but it wasn't four hours. Who has sex for four hours, other than STING? I would say maybe teenagers have that kind of physical stamina, but certainly teenage boys don't have the staying power.
Have I lapsed into blather? I'm sorry, I had two beers at lunch. Give a can get a can at Pizza Paradiso.