Here we go: another concert venue opens in the area and this one has deep pockets, which is great for bands. But is this bad for concert goers? As has been discussed here, the more venues in competition for acts, the more they have to pay to attract bands and the higher ticket prices will be.
Who is going to be hurt most by MGM opening up? Verizon Center? How bad will this affect IMP since acts that IMP books at Lincoln, MPP, DAR will also be candidates for playing at MGM?
Of course what pisses me off the most is the pitiful mass transit options for National Harbor. I know WMATA started a bus route from King St to the Gaylord, but I'm not sure if this bus route is going to run up by MGM, which is more than a hike away from the hotel. Plus, concerts often run as late as 11pm, making it a rush to get to the bus to get to the Yellow Line.
What do you guys think?