i'm struggling with this topic because i'm not sure if it's about one bad show (AKA what many if not most are describing here); vs. a band that is perennially underwhelming. i supposed arriving at the latter conclusion is tough because if you saw a band once and they were underwhelming chances are low you are going to see them again and get multiple data points...
so, following the lead of others:
- i was totally amped to see Arctic Monkeys at the club (in 2006?) and they were painfully boring.
- one of my most enduring 930 memories was hanging with brennser on the stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floors of the club and lamenting just how awful the National were. if i remember correctly, they were the middle of the bill that night (in 2007?).
- "live" shows by simon posford, AKA hallucinogen and one-half of shpongle, have gone from me getting on a plane to see them (and it being worth the effort and expense); to utter meh. i saw 2 sets from him this summer, under each of his projects/names/personalities/etc. one was decent, the other was awful and i left early. (aside: shpongle have
a new album out, and it's pretty damn excellent after 2 listens. best one since their first, IMO. rumor has it that they'll be doing a large full-band tour in 2018... i'll be taking a chance on that, if i can).