Author Topic: the weed, thread  (Read 91215 times)

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #211 on: November 27, 2020, 04:26:23 pm »
Toke-lahoma, where the bong hits come sweeping down the plains
And the wavin' buds can sure smell sweet
When the vapes comes right behind the rain.

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #212 on: November 27, 2020, 05:59:30 pm »
didn't realize this was hitting the House next week
House set to consider marijuana decriminalization; Hoyer schedules MORE Act vote


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Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #213 on: November 28, 2020, 09:46:40 am »
Me, neither.  That's progress.

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #214 on: November 28, 2020, 05:25:19 pm »

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #215 on: December 01, 2020, 08:45:23 am »
The gov releases a 482 page report on the plans for recreational adult use AND cultivation

( anyone want to summarize this and pull out the juicy bits?)

Argentine government to allow home cultivation

And the Phoenix has risen as AZ legalized it this week

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #216 on: December 01, 2020, 08:56:00 am »
RTD did a good write up

Two years to legalization, five years to established industry

Nice to see they  included representatives from the Virginia chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in the creation of this
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 08:59:14 am by massive side-dumps ıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl »

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #217 on: December 04, 2020, 05:45:06 pm »
U.S. House APPROVES #MOREAct legislation on Federal Decriminalization of #Marijuana, 228-164.

Goes now to the U.S. Senate.
...where it goes to die ;(

I hate when Matt does things I like...
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), the only House Republican to co-sponsor the bill, said in a speech: "If we were measuring the success of the war on drugs … drugs have won."

Makes me think of one of my favorite Assylum Street Spakners song We're winning the war on drugs
« Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 05:58:09 pm by drugs have won-hatch ıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl »

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #218 on: January 13, 2021, 10:49:48 am »
The only time someone should go to jail for this...


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Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #219 on: January 13, 2021, 11:32:21 am »
The only time someone should go to jail for this...

What's the deal with minorities being involved with this raid? And even worse, what's the deal with the one completely illegal immigrant? These guys are dumber than the white folk doing the raiding.

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #220 on: January 13, 2021, 11:40:20 am »
These guys are dumber than the white folk doing the raiding.
and that's a very low bar

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #221 on: January 17, 2021, 06:57:59 pm »


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Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #222 on: January 17, 2021, 07:27:19 pm »

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #223 on: February 05, 2021, 01:38:57 pm »
Martin Austermuhle@maustermuhle
There’s a not insignificant chance that the entire Washington region will have legal recreational weed sales within the next year or so. Virginia passing a bill, Maryland has one in play, D.C. just needs Congress to lift prohibition to pass its own bill

Somewhat related
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) joked about how his girlfriend, actress Rosario Dawson, was more excited to vote for New Jersey’s marijuana legalization referendum than to support his reelection on the same ballot.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 01:42:43 pm by AbsolSide-Proof ıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl »

Re: the weed, thread
« Reply #224 on: February 26, 2021, 01:51:23 pm »
Looking like no VA commercial sales until 2024!  (I really don't understand this logic, you can have it, you can use it, but you can't buy or sell it or even grow do they expect you to get it?)
The House, whose members worried that repealing criminal penalties before legal sales are permitted would encourage the black market, appear to have won the debate, with Senate negotiators agreeing to maintain existing criminal penalties until 2024, according to the sources.
We’ll know more Saturday some are concerned it might not pass at all

I get it, they want to make sure minors have a strong deterrent
What is the fine if you get caught drinking underage?  it's not $250
increasing the civil penalty for possession from $25 to $250 for people ages 18 to 20. Minors would face a $200 civil penalty for a first offense.

Anyone under the age of 21 who is convicted of possession of alcohol in Virginia (regardless if they are a resident of the state), can be convicted of a Class 1 misdemeanor, which can carry up to a year in jail, up to a $2,500 fine, and a one year driver's license suspension.