And that’s the thing..a ton of Americans agree with Trump..even liberals are going on vacations - with extended families (I see the posts on FB)- and just saying Fuck it I ain’t old ain’t going to kill kids need our traditional vacay with their cousins
Brings me back to why Trump got elected..cause a shitload of Americans are assholes!!!
The lack of solidarity in America during this covid shitshow is astonishing
What happened to the we are at war with covid?
The sad thing is refusing to accept scientific reality is going to really fuck things up for everyone in a couple of months
Bringing it back to music I now think a lot of small venues aren’t going to survive..they would have if we had tried to do like 99% of the world and get this shit under control...but we gave up
I am a mess of emotions on this..angry, sad, ashamed
It really sucks
Saying we needed to find an equilibrium and reopen smartly didn’t mean what too many states have’s just so embarrassing and has real consequences for all our lives..some of which are hard to foresee