11/7/20, 3pm
B Chord Brewing Company
Round Hill, VA
Interesting details:
Saxual Healing
Do you believe in the brass playing beast known as Saxsquatch? His silky-smooth sax can bring us all together. Join him on his COVID friendly debut national tour, Saxual Healing.
Believe in yourself even when no one else does.
Email with any questions.
To prevent local businesses from going under, Saxsquatch has fully guaranteed the show’s revenue to the venues. This ensures the venues and their employees get paid regardless of what happens. Saxsquatch believes in the cause to keep these venues alive and vibrant for their communities. Because of this, there will be no refunds on tickets.
If the show has to be cancelled because of COVID then the entire tour will be moved digitally. This digital tour will be a private show. Saxsquatch will send a link to watch the show live on the same day as your ticket date. Saxsquatch will also send a free Saxsquatch T-shirt, Saxsquatch stickers, and copy of his CD “The Missing Mixtape”. Saxsquatch will cover these costs himself, allowing the venue to keep 100% of their expected revenue from the cancelled show.
***IMPORTANT NOTICE (recapping above) - if the show needs to be cancelled due to COVID (or any other reason out of the venue’s control) then the ticket will not be refunded. However, you will receive:
Live Show over a digital platform (YouTube, Facebook, etc)
Tour Shirt
Saxsquatch CD (The Missing Mixtape)
Saxsquatch Stickers
All attendees must take a temperature check before entering. People with 100+ degree temperatures or over will be refunded and turned away. They will be sent a digital copy of the show.
All attendees will be issued a free official Saxsquatch branded COVID mask
All attendees will be issued free official Saxsquatch branded hand sanitizer
Masks will be worn by employees at all times
Some form of face covering is required in concert area, restrooms, bar, restaurant unless eating or drinking
Maintain a safe 6ft social distance from other parties
Inside the venue is designated for dining only
Only 1 patron at a time inside the restrooms
Please wash your hands as frequently as necessary
Please respect the people around you and the staff
The safest guest at each show will receive a Saxsquatch Saxual Healing tour shirt and The Missing Mixtape CD
The safest venue on tour receives a $1,000 bonus from the Saxsquatch
Saxsquatch flyers will be hung around the venue to kinly remind fans of best practices
No free tickets or will be given out. Artists traditionally get 10-30 free tickets to give to friends. Saxsquatch has turned down all free tickets to keep crowds small and safe
Individual merchandise menus will be given to each fan. Waiters will deliver the fan's merchandise orders to prevent long merchandise lines
If you purchased a ticket but are feeling sick on the day of the show please stay home. Email and we'll send a digital copy of a show and an exclusive free shirt as a thank you for your help.
Thanks for believing in Saxsquatch