You can’t be serious? Why do you think all those check cashing places and money orders exist?
I'm talking about guys like Space and Hatch... not people that have zero net worth.
I don’t want to speak for either of them but I believe the majority of “non-zero net worth” people who are getting the cards are because (1) they owed the last two years and therefore the IRS has no bank routing on file or (2) they’ve changed banks in the last year, not a lack of a bank account.
I haven't owed or changed bank accounts...but my issue stems from my company changing payroll providers in the IRS got w2's from two providers, even though the new provider had the full year's income. So I got a $8k tax bill in Feb this year! I've got the documentation to legitimately dispute that and a number of my coworkers who had the same issue were easily able to straighten it out.
But, I wasn't done when all the checks were going out...So I gotta assume my account was tagged?
Also, I convert all my paychecks to IMP giftcards (Think of all the FWB points!) so no need for a bank
Nice one...just caught on the re-read