Remember my list is being created from the heart based on albums I'm very familiar and have some significance to me. I will not be buying a 3K pair of cans in order to evaluate Billie Eilish or Steven Wilson albums aka man cave audio releases. No where on my list will you see Rumours or Pet Sounds, although might give Tusk a listen. There will no listening at all to Steely Dan, got to have some principals.
List will not be as diverse as it could be, I am very much a creature of habit. I'm currently stumbling a bit on who to handle artists like Otis Redding or The Temptations as they were truly at their best releasing singles and I can't point to a record I would chose for them.
Finally, it's highly likely The Hives - The Death Of Randy Fitzsimmons will make the last, because as the kids say "It Slaps" just bangers after bangers. Plus, of course The Hives will not dispute that claim...