Author Topic: New Foo Fighters  (Read 13002 times)


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2005, 12:35:00 pm »
I know the new Dave Matthews Band CD also pulled the thing with the jump through hoops...really, its a slap in the face of the people who actually buy the disc and only want to rip it for the ipods....


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2005, 01:14:00 pm »
Fair use as you know it has been destroyed.  If the music companies expect us to buy a CD copy and a digital copy of music, then now, the Federal Gov will finally listen - I guarantee you.
 Sony has gotten itself in a quandry worse than Apple could ever do.  Sony Music has made Sony audio devices very problematic to use, with even their own music.  Sony music has actually sued other Sony divisions over technology enabling Mp3 playback.  Oh what a tangled web we weave....
 And of all things, you've got a UK firm to thank:  
 These music CDs have an embedded DRM (Digital Rights Management) system, which would allow no digital copies to be made of the disc. In addition, the user will only be able to make a limited number of physical copies of the disc. Sony has plans to immediately release ten titles to test this scheme, but has refused to elaborate on which ones.
 Thus far it looks like DMB and the Foos were first out of the gate...


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2005, 01:18:00 pm »
June 14, 2005
 Sony BMG Tries to Limit Copying of Latest CD's
 The world's second-biggest music corporation is rolling out its latest answer to digital piracy.
 The company, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, which is owned by Sony and Bertelsmann, is outfitting a broad selection of its latest CD's with software that restricts copying.
 The company's use of the software, which is designed to limit consumers to making no more than three copies of a CD, reflects an effort to alter a format that is two decades old and contains music that can be readily copied and digitally distributed.
 With the release of more than two dozen copy-restricted titles so far this year, including albums on sale today from the Backstreet Boys, the Foo Fighters and George Jones, Sony BMG is placing a bigger bet on the technology than other companies have, particularly in the United States, the world's biggest market. Sony BMG, which is second in size to Vivendi Universal-owned Universal Music Group, and the two other major record companies have been releasing CD's with anti-copying software in other countries.
 But executives at Sony BMG's rivals have been reluctant to release titles with the restrictive software in the United States. They said the software was too easily defeated and that working versions did not allow consumers to transfer music to portable devices and music players as freely as the industry would like.
 The companies have been pressing Apple Computer to amend its software to make it compatible with the tools used to restrict copying.
 The restrictive software Sony BMG is using on CD's, like it did earlier this year with "Stand Up" by the Dave Matthews Band - is not compatible with Apple's popular iPod. Owners of Apple computers using iPods are able to copy and transfer music on the restricted compact discs freely; the restrictions block PC owners from transferring music to their iPods. But it allows transfers to music players using Microsoft's Windows software.
 Thomas Hesse, president for global digital business at Sony BMG, said Apple could "flick a switch" to amend its programming to work with the restrictive software.
 "Its just a proprietary decision by Apple to decide whether to play along or not," Mr. Hesse said. "I don't know what more waiting we have to do. We think we need to move this forward. Time is ticking, infringement of intellectual property is happening all over, and we've got to put a stop to it I think."
 Apple declined to comment.
 Mike McGuire, an analyst at Gartner G2, said the move by Sony BMG "looks to me like a very interesting public negotiation."
 In fact, consumers requesting help through a Web site set up by Sony BMG to explain the technology receive an e-mail message telling how PC users can work around the CD's software to unlock the music files and make them available for unlimited copying and transferring.
 Music executives say the restricted CD's the music industry has released so far - most prominently BMG's sale of Velvet Revolver's "Contraband," last year - have resulted in virtually no consumer complaints. But analysts say that may be because consumers still have such an easy time breaking the restrictions or acquiring the music for free on unrestricted online file-sharing networks.
 Still, Mr. Hesse said the introduction of limits on CD's would set the stage for record companies establish new business models. For instance, Mr. Hesse said, a record company using restrictive software might be able to charge a premium for the early online release of a forthcoming album. Mr. Hesse said the restricted CDs are "a strong educational tool to communicate to consumers that there is a limit of what they're really allowed to do with the intellectual property that they have just acquired."


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2005, 01:21:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  The Dead 60's CD requires you to load software to listen to it on a PC... So much for being "punk"  
 Who else is sick of seeing this plastered all over thier CDs.
    <img src="" alt=" - " />
 On one CD I counted four seperate warnings about piracy.  The irony of the situation is that of that last batch of CDs I got the ones enjoyed most were the ones without this seal and on indie labels. Nic Armstrong (NewWest Records) and Maximo Park (Warp).
 Does this type of copy protection work against a standalone CD Burner?  Silly silly record exec... Has the cost of cocaine and hookers gone up again?
Is the Dead 60s album out over there or are you talking about a cd single?  The album has been delayed coming out in the UK for a couple of months but the promo cds are available now.  There's no problem listening to them or ripping the tracks to mp3's.


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2005, 01:21:00 pm »
That's the article I read.  Thanks GGW for posting it.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
It's the full length Dead 60's CD out recently in the US... when I popped the CD into my work computer it promptly wanted me to install software in order to even listen to the thing... Same with the an import Doves  disc i won in a giveway. i'm certain it's the same copy protection software and was trying to find the logo to post here.  
 i will never pay retail again for any cd that has that protection even if it's easily defeated.  may buy it used or if it's something i really want directly from the artist at a show.  
 if consumers want to take a stand against these technologies then they need to boycott all Sony and Universal products.  tough sell i admit.
 or get creative and make a coordinated effort to mass buy a CD at some retailer and then attempt to return it the next day.  make the retailer cope with pain as well..
 it's great how Apple is protrayed as the bad actor in this battle...
 and if all else fails buy a cd recorder and hookup a opitical digital cable.,,
 or find the person on the street selling the cdr


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
  That's the article I read.  Thanks GGW for posting it.
There was a similar LA Times article yesterday which included this nugget:
 "Sony BMG is heading even faster down the same road. About half of the discs it releases in the United States today have the three-copy limit, and it plans to have a similar restriction on all of its U.S. releases by the end of the year, said Thomas Hesse, president of the companyâ??s global digital music business."


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2005, 01:43:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  "Its just a proprietary decision by Apple to decide whether to play along or not," Mr. Hesse said.
Okay, wait, who's being proprietary here.  Argument can be made just as easily that it's Microsoft, my friend.  You telling me they can't just flip a software switch as well?
 All I can say is thank god no one bothers to write restrictions or viruses for Apple hardware.  I would lose my mind if I couldn't get my Foo on my iPod...

kosmo vinyl

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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
Originally posted by vansmack:
  That's the article I read.  Thanks GGW for posting it.
There was a similar LA Times article yesterday which included this nugget:
 "Sony BMG is heading even faster down the same road. About half of the discs it releases in the United States today have the three-copy limit, and it plans to have a similar restriction on all of its U.S. releases by the end of the year, said Thomas Hesse, president of the companyâ??s global digital music business." [/b]
which is why consumers need to take them on now, not that i buy much sony stuff to begin with...
 buy promos screw the artist and the label...


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2005, 01:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
 [qb]All I can say is thank god no one bothers to write restrictions or viruses for Apple hardware.   [/b]
Who's going to waste their time writing code that will effect 8 % of the market?


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2005, 01:54:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
 [qb]All I can say is thank god no one bothers to write restrictions or viruses for Apple hardware.   [/b]
Who's going to waste their time writing code that will effect 8 % of the market? [/b]
yeah yeah yeah....all the more reason I stay.
   <img src="" alt=" - " />

kosmo vinyl

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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2005, 02:03:00 pm »
it would interesting to see the bloggers reaction to  the cd which can't be copied to their iPods.  dmb and foos aren't good test cases, but Holey Moley would it get ugly if the next Firey Furnances CD was released like that...


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2005, 02:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  it would interesting to see the bloggers reaction to  the cd which can't be copied to their iPods.  dmb and foos aren't good test cases, but Holey Moley would it get ugly if the next Firey Furnances CD was released like that...
I think the exact opposite is true.  Bloggers are fairly tech and internet literate and can quickly and easily find out how to defeat the copy controls.
 It's the more pop oriented and casual computer users that buy the DMB album and the Foo's that wouldn't know how to get around it that could potentially make the biggest stink.
 Just imagine a kid going up to their parents and asking for $10 more to buy the iTunes version of a CD they just bought at Target so it can play on the kids iPod.  I can see it a local news expose as I type this....


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2005, 02:31:00 pm »
wow, that's terrible. even if i bought that cd, i'd download it rather than go through the crack. kinda counter poductive, if you ask me


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Re: New Foo Fighters
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2005, 02:55:00 pm »
Kosmo:  I LOOOOVVVVEEE the Nic Armstrong and the Thieves CD; they were great at the Black Cat last month opening for Louis XIV!!!!!   Next "Hey Seth" thread, I'm making an official request.  ;)