Author Topic: BJM at Black Cat  (Read 5410 times)


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BJM at Black Cat
« on: October 20, 2003, 12:15:00 pm »
Last night show was great! Great music and some antics. It was a completely different viewing experience than the Interpol show. And the BJM show was much better. I could actually see the band without being sandwiched in between people! BJM played an extended, great set.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 01:30:00 pm »
Originally posted by BlueEyedAndDangerous:
   extended, .
What was extended about it? It sure seemed to drag on. It has been a long time since I have seen so many people leave whilst the band was playing.
 I am glad you enjoyed it though.

this monkey

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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2003, 05:40:00 pm »
Uh, that last song was sure extended.  I've only ever left one concert before it was over, so I was determined to stay until the end... however, I was about ready to scream after 30 minutes of the final song.  I did think it was funny how the staff was turning the lights on and I saw one guy tapping his fingers impatiently on the bar.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2003, 09:48:00 am »
A Spirited Brian Jonestown Massacre
 Tuesday, October 21, 2003; Page C14
 The name "Brian Jonestown Massacre" suggests a band of snotty punks with an irreverent sense of humor, á la the Dead Kennedys. But Anton Newcombe's Brian Jonestown Massacre is no twisted punk act, it's the best -- if most maddeningly unpredictable -- of the current crop of retro-psychedelic outfits.
 The band's three guitarists slip effortlessly into hypnotic drones that seem designed to transport you to some dark realm where the late Brian Jones holds sway, beautiful and damned, in robes as fantastical as any opium vision. Theirs is a psychedelia with a dark edge, as the band's motto -- "Keep Music Evil" -- implies.
 Sunday in the Black Cat's Backroom, a rather, er, lubricated Newcombe bullied his band mates through a chaotic set that veered between low comedy and blissful pop. When he wasn't assuring the audience he'd sober up, Newcombe was demanding more alcohol, or declining offers of water on the grounds that fish, well, make love in it. Indeed, Newcombe's antics led one audience member to remark, "I would think people would throw things at him. Heavy things."
 Yet when Newcombe stopped ranting -- or stopping songs in midstream -- long enough to actually let his band do its job, the results were sublime, and included a very apropos "A New Low in Getting High."
 But the show's highlight was the Stooges-like "Hyperventilation," which the band stretched into a feedback-drenched free-for-all that went on long after the house lights went up. Overall grade: Poor deportment. Great rock.
 -- Michael Little

thirsty moore

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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2003, 01:20:00 pm »
The High Strung were the only band worth seeing at the Black Cat that night.  I'm sorry, but Anton's a prick.  Watching someone make fun of his bandmates onstage isn't cool at all.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2003, 03:21:00 pm »
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  The High Strung were the only band worth seeing at the Black Cat that night.  I'm sorry, but Anton's a prick.  Watching someone make fun of his bandmates onstage isn't cool at all.
He is definitely of the Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde variety.Very intelligent and friendly when sober but get him tanked and he can be a monster.Guess that holds true for a lot of folk,rather they will admit it or not.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2003, 03:26:00 pm »
Originally posted by SPARX:
 He is definitely of the Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde variety.Very intelligent and friendly when sober but get him tanked and he can be a monster.
Anton or Thirsty?


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2003, 03:28:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggw™:
Originally posted by SPARX:
 He is definitely of the Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde variety.Very intelligent and friendly when sober but get him tanked and he can be a monster.
Anton or Thirsty? [/b]
Haven't had the pleasure of meeting Thirsty.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2003, 03:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  The High Strung were the only band worth seeing at the Black Cat that night.  I'm sorry, but Anton's a prick.  Watching someone make fun of his bandmates onstage isn't cool at all.
I agree about Anton....not a very pleasant fellow, but I enjoyed watching the trainwreck aspect of the show.  I've seen so many boring old rock shows in my life that I always appreciate it when I see something out of the ordinary transpiring on stage.  And to boot, BJM had some truly great moments as a band.  When the 3 guitars lock in it's great.
 High Strung....gee I just don't know.  I got the CD and have tried to like it but it just seems like boring bouncy pop through fuzzbox to me.  I was hoping the live show would change my mind but it just didn't.  In fact, it made me like them even less.  Maybe i just don't get it or something.  Oh well, at least I got the cd for 80% off at 19th st. Kemp Mill's going  out of business blowout a few weeks back (along with the Ceasars, Datsuns, Kings of Leon, and more.....score!).


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2003, 03:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
 [Oh well, at least I got the cd for 80% off at 19th st. Kemp Mill's going  out of business blowout a few weeks back (along with the Ceasars, Datsuns, Kings of Leon, and more.....score!). [/QB]
If your speaking of Ceasars 39 minutes of bliss,man that is one real good rekkid.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2003, 03:45:00 pm »
I just love how people can see the same show and come away with such differing opinions.This from postal blowfish GBV's e-list.also regarding the black cat show:                                                                                                Just returned from seeing Death Cab for Cutie. Their songs still leave me
 cold - derivative indie (say, Superchunk/Modest Mouse/Dismemberment Plan,
 all of whom I like) with sentimental lyrics (am I wrong? I feel like I
 should pick up "Transatlantacism" anyway.) - but I have to admit, they play
 a great show, and I was pretty into it by the end.
 Still not half as good as the Brian Jonestown Massacre, who I saw last
 night. The third time I've seen 'em, and each show has been fantastic. If
 the club let them, they'd have played all night (or at least until they
 imploded and stormed off stage). Just a great fucking band. Everyone says
 they're stand-offish to the crowd, but that's only if you're heckling them.
 I can't think of another band that so readily plays requests. Near the end,
 they said they had two more songs for us, when someone in the crowd shouted
 "Hyperventilation", and without much thought they jammed on that one for
 about 20 minutes to close the show. Nice.

ratioci nation

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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2003, 03:48:00 pm »
Originally posted by SPARX:
 Still not half as good as the Brian Jonestown Massacre, who I saw last
 night. The third time I've seen 'em, and each show has been fantastic. If
 the club let them, they'd have played all night (or at least until they
 imploded and stormed off stage). Just a great fucking band. Everyone says
 they're stand-offish to the crowd, but that's only if you're heckling them.
 I can't think of another band that so readily plays requests. Near the end,
 they said they had two more songs for us, when someone in the crowd shouted
 "Hyperventilation", and without much thought they jammed on that one for
 about 20 minutes to close the show. Nice.
I am betting his review would have been different if he had seen the great Baltimore show and had it fresh in his mind when he saw the DC show.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2003, 04:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by SPARX:
Originally posted by chaz:
 [Oh well, at least I got the cd for 80% off at 19th st. Kemp Mill's going  out of business blowout a few weeks back (along with the Ceasars, Datsuns, Kings of Leon, and more.....score!). [/b]
If your speaking of Ceasars 39 minutes of bliss,man that is one real good rekkid. [/QB]
Yes that is the record I speak of and DAMN I LOVE THAT RECORD!  It makes me wanna smoke crack, which I haven't done for years....


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2003, 04:11:00 pm »
If you like the Ceasers album that much I would contend that you smoked crack far more recently than you are letting on.
 I am sorry that you dont like the high strung. Give "its on" and "show a sign of life" an extra couple of listens for me.


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Re: BJM at Black Cat
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2003, 04:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by BLANK:
  If you like the Ceasers album that much I would contend that you smoked crack far more recently than you are letting on.
 I am sorry that you dont like the high strung. Give "its on" and "show a sign of life" an extra couple of listens for me.
Really it's been 6 or 7 years since i indulged.  
 It's on is a pretty good tune, by far the best on that album but overall it just doesn't do it for me. I tried...