Author Topic: Reagan Dead.  (Read 25340 times)

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #60 on: June 07, 2004, 11:40:00 am »
Will Thomas going on about how he wished he had slept with him or something?
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  There's nothing like watching Fox 5 News Anchors trying to adlib on Reagan's death.  
Originally posted by Bollocks:
 And Rhett, we did turn the telly off, it was off the whole weekend, except I put it on to try to watch the news only to be bombarded with Reagan tributes...AND NOTHING ELSE!


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #61 on: June 07, 2004, 11:44:00 am »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I think what Guiny was getting at is that he respects the position of the presidency. As long as someone behaves in a manner so as to honor that position, so do I.
I certainly hope that's what he meant.  I'd like to say I respect the preisdency too, but with a character like George W occupying the position that's becoming a stretch.

thirsty moore

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #62 on: June 07, 2004, 11:56:00 am »
True enough.  The only thing I expect from local news is LIVE! LOCAL! LATEBREAKING! news.
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  Will Thomas going on about how he wished he had slept with him or something?

ratioci nation

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2004, 11:58:00 am »
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  True enough.  The only thing I expect from local news is LIVE! LOCAL! LATEBREAKING! news.
Don't forget about news about how everyday events can kill you and your kids.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2004, 12:00:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I think what Guiny was getting at is that he respects the position of the presidency. [/b]
From Nixon onward, has the presidency really deserved your respect?


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2004, 12:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by pollard:
Originally posted by thirsty moore:
  True enough.  The only thing I expect from local news is LIVE! LOCAL! LATEBREAKING! news.
Don't forget about news about how everyday events can kill you and your kids. [/b]
And don't forget the same, tired old advice about how to keep your basement dry if rain is forecast, or what to keep handy as an emergency kit in  case you lose power, or the LIVE REPORTING from the supermarket as people are told to buy up all the milk, bread and bottled water.


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2004, 12:15:00 pm »
Ooh, yeah. Forgot about that one. Yeah, not too kosher.
Originally posted by keithstg:
Originally posted by poorlulu:
 need to crack open a bottle for that one.........
 can't be long till maggie kick's it either............i feel the need to get on a plane and dance on her grave when she does finally croak...............
Well Sugartastic, you must have missed this - the second post. [/qb]


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2004, 12:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I think what Guiny was getting at is that he respects the position of the presidency. [/b]
From Nixon onward, has the presidency really deserved your respect? [/b]
Dunno markie......9" is pretty respectable!


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2004, 12:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I think what Guiny was getting at is that he respects the position of the presidency. As long as someone behaves in a manner so as to honor that position, so do I.

 I should have Rhett proofread my work before I send it, much better written, thanx.

Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2004, 12:56:00 pm »
Good point.
 I don't know that leaders of yesteryear were any better, or that those from Nixon on were worse...
  perhaps the media as well as a more critical and questioning public eye in general has been part of the loss of respect for the position. Perhaps this extends to pretty much all countries where free speech is allowed?
Originally posted by mark e smith:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I think what Guiny was getting at is that he respects the position of the presidency. [/b]
From Nixon onward, has the presidency really deserved your respect? [/b]


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2004, 01:09:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  judging by this thread, clearly the terrorists have won
Why is that? Or is the Asscrotch spin on it that Al Queada killed Reagan. [/b]
i guess i should also blame liberals and the media too.

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2004, 03:21:00 pm »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  i guess i should also blame liberals and the media too.
<img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2004, 03:59:00 pm »
 Reagan's Name Likely to Spread Farther
 Associated Press Writer
 WASHINGTON - Years ago, Ronald Reagan was flattered to learn an Irish pub had been named after him. Then came an aircraft carrier, office buildings, schools, scholarships, all sorts of roads, a peace garden, a weapons testing site and more, waves of dedications unusual for a living figure. They can be expected to accelerate now.
 In New Hampshire, the Legislature voted last year to rename Mount Clay, a 5,553-foot peak in the White Mountains, to become official five years after Reagan's death.
 Memorials already in place, according to the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, include:
 _The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, commissioned last year.
 _The huge Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, dedicated in 1998 in Washington, and the Ronald Reagan State Office Building in Los Angeles, 1990.
 _The Ronald Reagan Institute of Emergency Medicine at George Washington University Hospital, where he was treated after being shot in an assassination attempt in 1981. Reagan attended the 1991 dedication.
 _Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington, Va., renamed in 1998.
 _Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, Marshall Islands, 2000.
 _Ronald Reagan Peace Garden, one of several dedications at Eureka College, Ill., where he graduated.
 Illinois, the state of his birth; California, where he was governor, and the capital city have the most dedications, but many states have a Reagan road of some sort. Among them: Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
 And the pub? That was in Ballyporeen, Ireland, home of the president's great-grandfather, Michael Reagan. Ronald Reagan visited in 1984 according to Frommer's Travel Guides.

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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #73 on: June 07, 2004, 04:11:00 pm »
Originally posted by keithstg:
  I would / will say the same thing when Clinton passes away.
Bermuda Triangle?


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Re: Reagan Dead.
« Reply #74 on: June 07, 2004, 05:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by Sugartastic Tee Silk:
  I've re-read this thread twice, haven't read any mocking or cheering in regards to his death.
I was going to make the same point -- outside of LuLu's dance of joy, no one mocked Reagan, but expressed differing views as to the level of reverence that should be accorded his political accomplishments.  
 The man lived to 93; when my grandmother died at the same age I was sad but felt a bit relieved for her as well.  It's a tough road to be that old and be stricken with Alzheimers, dimentia, whatever your cross to bear may be.
 This is what is so insane -- make it to the bottom line of the article below, as that's the whole goddamn point that the Reagan zealots don't even get in their fervor to have everything not nailed down named after him.  And this is why folks are already fatigued at the coverage...
 On Roads, Schools -- and Dimes? -- Reagan Lives On
 By Peter Slevin
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Sunday, June 6, 2004; Page A33
 Long before Ronald Reagan died, an unprecedented lobbying campaign began to keep his name alive. There is already a Mount Reagan, a USS Ronald Reagan, and a slew of Ronald Reagan schools and thoroughfares.
 And, if the former president's most audacious backers have their way, Ronald Reagan dimes will soon be jingling in pockets and purses across America.
 The ambition of the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project is to place a "significant" memorial in every state and to name something after him in all 3,067 counties in the country. Revering Reagan as an icon of modern Republican conservatism, organizers have not ruled out a place on Mount Rushmore.
 "He defeated the most significant threat to liberty in America's history, the Soviet Union. He turned around the economy to sustained growth," said Grover Norquist, the tax-fighting chief cheerleader for the Reagan commemoration project. "We want one thing in each county."
 First of all, though, they want the dime.
 Norquist, better known as the leader of Americans for Tax Reform, started the legacy project informally seven years ago. He focused at one point on putting Reagan's face on the $10 bill. He started lining up Capitol Hill support, but it would mean displacing Alexander Hamilton, the brilliant first Treasury secretary, who was killed by Aaron Burr in a duel.
 "The Hamilton lobby," Norquist said wryly the other day, would have blocked the move. Benjamin Franklin is firmly ensconced on the hundred. Andrew Jackson could not easily be displaced from the twenty, and, well, Abraham Lincoln could hardly be expected to relinquish his spot on the five.
 Besides, he was a Republican.
 Rep. Mark Edward Souder (R-Ind.) introduced a bill last year to put Reagan on the dime, replacing Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose image was assigned to the 10-cent piece within a year of his death in 1945. Souder had more than 80 co-sponsors, despite the objection of former first lady Nancy Reagan.
 "Leave the dime alone," demanded Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.). He got more than 100 co-sponsors for his rival bill to keep Roosevelt's face on the coin.
 Norquist's current notion is to make half of the nation's future dimes with Reagan's image and half with Roosevelt's. He called it the "obvious compromise" and reported approvingly that a coin change requires only the approval of the director of the U.S. Mint.
 "We're not trying to dis anyone. Having just talked to many governors and members of Congress and folks, half of the dimes seems the most reasonable compromise," Norquist said. "I have every reason to believe the administration is happy with the idea and that we would get support from them."
 The battle over the dollars and the dimes shows that Reagan's early legacy is subject to the same debate that marked his two terms in office, when supporters beamed and detractors shook their heads in wonderment -- or collective resignation.
 Some historians and commentators have argued that Reagan's image is being harnessed in an unseemly way by conservatives eager for a marketable hero, just as Cuban communists peddle the mystique of Che Guevara on banners and key chains decades after his death.
 Conservative columnist George Will said there is "something un-Reaganesque about trying to plaster his name all over the country the way Lenin was plastered over Eastern Europe, Mao over China and Saddam Hussein all over Iraq."
 "It's time for us to rescue Ronald Reagan and his legacy from some of his more zealous friends," Will said.
 The list of roadways, buildings and institutions bearing Reagan's name continues to grow, however. Just this month, the Louisiana legislature named a stretch of U.S. Highway 190 the Ronald Reagan Highway. Last year, the New Hampshire Senate renamed Mount Clay -- previously honoring 19th-century politician Henry Clay -- after Reagan.
 In Washington, the limestone-and-granite Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center is second in size only to the Pentagon among federal buildings. Republicans on Capitol Hill won a bitter fight to rename Washington National Airport after the former president.
 Grenada, the island nation invaded by U.S. forces under Commander in Chief Reagan, honored Reagan with a set of stamps bearing his image. But hopes among members of Congress for a monument to Reagan on the Mall face a formidable obstacle.
 In 1986, Congress delivered a bill to the White House barring any memorial to an individual from being built on the Mall until 25 years after the person's death. The bill was signed into law by . . . Ronald Reagan.