Author Topic: Pet Peeves  (Read 30340 times)

you be betty

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #105 on: September 15, 2006, 04:19:00 pm »
that's a whole lotta testicle


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #106 on: September 15, 2006, 04:33:00 pm »
Wow, this list has made my day. Nothing better than a good bitch session. Folks covered a lot of really good points (metro, the gym, drivers).
 I'll add mine. The constant use of "literally". It's overused. Even worse? Adding "like" between every third word of a sentence. And even worse than hearing somebody say those things over and over is seeing them written in an email. "Like" should never be part of somebody's written sentence, unless they're saying that they like beer, etc.
 Also, I really can't stand weak hotel showerheads. That was my first pet peeve ever.

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #107 on: September 15, 2006, 04:41:00 pm »
Guitarists who make that face.  You know, that I'm really good face all twisted when they're playing a solo.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #108 on: September 16, 2006, 03:31:00 am »
Originally posted by Weird Little Self Loathing Man:
  Since when did you ever take Metro to work?    :eek:  
Originally posted by Roadbike Mankie:
OH MY GOD!!!! 20 years living in DC and I never realised you were only allowed to ride metro if you were going to work.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #109 on: September 16, 2006, 03:34:00 am »
Originally posted by crusader:
Originally posted by Roadbike Mankie:
  People who are always in a hurry as though they're more important than those of us who got up early enough to take our time on the FUCKING METRO ESCALATOR.
This is a terrible argument.  You've obviously never missed a train by 2-3 seconds and had to wait 10-20 minutes for the next one.  You're perfectly capable of standing to only one side of the escalator to allow people to walk past. [/b]
Just think...if you get out of bed 5 seconds sooner your problem would be solved.
 Your argument is also mute....ever heard the words "Excuse me please"


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #110 on: September 16, 2006, 02:36:00 pm »
people who text message while they are talking to you.


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #111 on: September 16, 2006, 03:47:00 pm »
having to wait 15 minutes to use the bathroom in a bar while a group of people use it to do coke


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #112 on: September 16, 2006, 06:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by Baby Gorilla:
  having to wait 15 minutes to use the bathroom in a bar while a group of people use it to do coke
you rather them do it at the bar, and then run the risk of having the bar shut down.


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #113 on: September 16, 2006, 07:10:00 pm »
I have a laundry list...
 People who ride their bikes on Rock Creek Parkway on the road instead of the bike path. Yeah, I know, joggers, dogs, all that stuff in the way, blah blah. It's a pretty nice path, well paved, and you don't run the risk of someone coming around one of those blind curves and running your arse over.
 People who ride their bicycles two or three deep on any street so it becomes impossible to pass them.
 Ditto the people who carry every single thing they have ever owned onto the plane and try and stow it in the overheads, especially when they invade the bins across the aisle from their seats because their bins are full.
 People who bitch and moan and put up a fuss because their plane is delayed because of weather. You don't get anything free because a giant thunderstorm happened to roll in. Get over it. The gate attendants want you out of this airport even worse than you do. Shut up, sit down, and play nice.
 The armrest invaders on planes or trains.
 People who chew really loudly. If it's something crunchy, I can understand but I shouldn't be able to hear you attacking your General Tso's from across the room. It's just disgusting.
 Comcast's crappy customer service.
 People who don't clean up after their dogs.
 People on the bus who sit on the aisle seat and don't scoot over or let you slide across them even though it's clearly the last empty seat on the bus, or people who put giant shopping bags or backpacks or whatever on the seat next to them even though there's no empty seats.
 I could go on forever... really... personally I think you should have to pass an exam before you're allowed out of the house!


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #114 on: September 17, 2006, 01:46:00 am »
Originally posted by Baby Gorilla:
  People who no matter how many times you have met them, continue to act like they have no clue who you are
Do I know you?

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #115 on: September 17, 2006, 04:25:00 am »
People who ask if they can as you a question
 "Let me ask you this,......"
 What happens if I say "no"? do they not then ask me the question.
 Even worse, people who announce they're going to ask a question
 People who ask for 'setlists', GET A FUCKING LIFE ALREADY!!!!  :mad:   Does it really matter in what order they sang their songs?
 Then there's the all time classic of course.
 "Have a nice day!"

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #116 on: September 18, 2006, 08:56:00 am »
Drivers who treat the solid white lines at stop signs as a suggestion...  Stop where you are suppose to not half over the line and turning.  Crossing over solid white lines in general indicates how little drivers know traffic regulations.
 SUV drivers who rocket it pass me on the highway and are probably the sameones complaining most about the cost of gasoline.  Well duh...


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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #117 on: September 18, 2006, 09:15:00 am »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  Drivers who treat the solid white lines at stop signs as a suggestion...  Stop where you are suppose to not half over the line and turning.  Crossing over solid white lines in general indicates how little drivers know traffic regulations.
This is especially true at signals. There's been plenty of times that I've seen idiots in left turn lanes go completely over the line; the pavement sensor doesn't detect the car so they don't even get a left turn light. Serves them right.
 As for stop signs, some lines are set too far back from the intersection (the line is usually aligned with the sign). I can't see traffic from either direction at the intersection by my house unless I'm completely over the line.

Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #118 on: September 18, 2006, 09:19:00 am »
Pet peeve for this morning. Bicyclists who ride on the sidewalk.
 And pass you the pedestrian from behind, and turn and give you the pedestrian a dirty look or snarky remark for not getting out of their way....even though they didn't ring their bell...not that a bell would give them any right to behave that way.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Pet Peeves
« Reply #119 on: September 18, 2006, 09:35:00 am »
Originally posted by beetsnotbeats:
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  Drivers who treat the solid white lines at stop signs as a suggestion...  Stop where you are suppose to not half over the line and turning.  Crossing over solid white lines in general indicates how little drivers know traffic regulations.
This is especially true at signals. There's been plenty of times that I've seen idiots in left turn lanes go completely over the line; the pavement sensor doesn't detect the car so they don't even get a left turn light. Serves them right.
 As for stop signs, some lines are set too far back from the intersection (the line is usually aligned with the sign). I can't see traffic from either direction at the intersection by my house unless I'm completely over the line. [/b]
Stopping then creeping over the line is fine, it's the people who act like they didn't see the stop sign or you that fly over the white line before stopping that bug me.  It's worse when there is a light at the end of a exit ramp because you don't know if they are actually going to stop or just cut in front of you.
 Anyone that assumes the person in front of them is going to turn right on a red light and start honking when they don't...