Author Topic: Coachella roll call  (Read 5290 times)


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
Originally posted by myuman:
  So enjoy.  And remember... it's not Glastonbury, which all events are humbled by.
but if its just HALF of glastonbury, then it would be ok, cause thats how much it costs
  also, I would go as far as to say that many bands i see at large festivals are MUCH better there than they are on a regular boring tour night.  
   I guarante Bassment Jaxx wouldnt have had the 930 club rockin like it did in the desert last year!


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
Originally posted by myuman:
  My point is this.... you have to have a game plan at a major festival.  I think it was Coachella last year that had Trail of Dead on at the same time as Beck... and the only way to see beck was to find some way into the tent about a half hour ahead of time, which I believe screwed me for.. I forget now.    And then you have some good band playing that you've seen 20 times before (not the reason you travel 2500 miles).  So each day might bring around 4 bands that you are glad you saw because they were there and they are good, etc.  The rest is just repeats of half decent bands and new drivel you wish you'd be in the water line for instead.  The headliners are the driving force is my festival philosophy.  The other cool bands from bloc party to kaiser chiefs to British sea power... invest about $50 and see all three in the comforts of your own town (because they are touring, that's why they'd be at a festival like Coachella or hfs for that matter.)  So unless you are big into NIN.... Radiohead and Pixies was a rare event last year... so it was a must attend.     Of course this only speaks for the music.  Sunset views of San Jacinto Mt., Hollywood, San Diego, raising cane in the hotel... well those things are all worth the trip as well.  So enjoy.  And remember... it's not Glastonbury, which all events are humbled by.
Does it ever rain @ Glastonbury?


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2005, 09:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by The Artist Formerly Known As grotty:
Does it ever rain @ Glastonbury? [/b]
 Holy Hades... I'm sure, but being in a freakin' greenhouse (tent) in 105 degree desert heat trying to make sense of Q and not U is almost half as bad as the 200% humidity at hfs last year while watching  Karen O scream.  Not sure the lesser of all the evils here.... and to respond to another post... festivals are neat events, but do you seriously believe a festival gig surpasses an intimate club gig for a particular (one) artist?


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2005, 04:48:00 pm »
It really depends on the festival and who is playing. There have been arena shows I've seen that gave me chills to hear 20,000 people singing along to a song, there's something pretty neat about that. Seeing the Pixies at Coachella was just as good as seeing them 4th row at DAR. They were both memorable to me.


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
Originally posted by myuman:
  but do you seriously believe a festival gig surpasses an intimate club gig for a particular (one) artist?
it can. sure.


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2005, 12:06:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam3:
  Heres your set-times in a round-a-bout fashion........
wow.  there are no overlaps on the stuff i want to see.
 too bad a) i won't be there this year and b) that wasn't the case last year.


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2005, 07:01:00 am »


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
ARGH...I will be interviewing the Prodigy while New Order is on. I knew this would happen. Maybe Liam and co. will change their time and I'll at least get to see NO play "Blue Monday" or something.

you be betty

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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2005, 10:34:00 pm »
oh god, luckyluckyluckyluckluck.
 everybody going: PLEASE have fun for me.  
 i always end up missing coachella by a few days,'s obnoxious.  
 one of these days i'll make it out though.  
 please have a smashing time for all of us stuck here in DC that wish we weren't...


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2005, 11:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by you be betty:
 i always end up missing coachella by a few days,'s obnoxious.  
 one of these days i'll make it out though.  
No One Makes It To Burning Man Festival
 From: Legume <>
 Date: Tue, Aug 26, 2003
 No One Makes It To Burning Man Festival
 GERLACH, NV~The Burning Man festival, a prominent artistic and
 countercultural event that draws tens of thousands of people to the
 Nevada desert annually, is in danger of cancellation this week because
 "no one had their shit together enough to even make it," organizers said
 "Jesus Christ, this is pathetic," said event coordinator Ethan Moon as he
 angrily gestured toward the empty Black Rock Desert basin expanse, known
 as the playa. "We've been promoting this thing all year. You can't start
 panhandling quarters for gas the week before the festival and expect to
 make it here in time, man."
 Moon listed some of the most common no-show excuses, among them
 oversleeping, forgetting to request time off work, faulty van-borrowing
 arrangements, a shortage of ochre body-paint, and the last-minute
 realization that transportation to the Burning Man festival requires
 "As of a few weeks ago, or even a few days ago, there were 30,000 people
 who honestly planned on coming," Moon said. "In every case, however,
 there were, well, you know~shit happened."
 Although Burning Man festivals have had no-shows in the past, Moon said
 he's never witnessed absenteeism on this level.
 "You have to figure out a way to get here, stock up on water and extra
 clothing for the cold nights, and make sure you have adequate shelter,"
 Moon said. "Apparently, the advance planning it takes to arrange those
 three basic things was more than anyone could handle. Sorry to be on this
 uptight trip, but check out the playa. Not a single nude dude in a
 homemade papier-mâché tribal mask as far as the eye can see."
 Although Burning Man is billed on its web site as a "temporary community
 dedicated to radical self-expression and radical self-reliance," it
 became evident that the no-shows were more capable of the former than
 they were of the latter.
 Los Angeles silkscreen artist Goldi Trewartha was among the tens of
 thousands of Burning Man devotees who stayed home this year.
 "Yeah, I was supposed to go with Ari and Shel, but they couldn't score
 [Ecstasy] in time for the trip, and I forgot my bartering beads at my
 friend Marnie's place in Los Feliz," Trewartha said. "Oh, and I forgot to
 get a dog sitter."
 Added Trewartha: "Shel made this great suit out of old stuffed-monkey
 pelts and duct tape, and he was going to hop up and down on this old
 trampoline he found. But his ex, Nikki, made him babysit [their daughter]
 Gaia while she headed out to Big Sur for a few days. I love Nikki, but
 sometimes she can be real flaky."
 Chaz Bullard, a University of Vermont undergraduate and veteran mud
 person, had multiple excuses for his failure to attend the Burning Man
 "I totally spaced that August is 8, and I wrote down 9 in my
 sketchbook," Bullard said. "Oh, and I got evicted. Yeah, fuckin' Dyl up
 and ditches me, right, and I'm stuck owing $700, because he wasn't on the
 Bullard added that he contracted hepatitis from his ex-roommate's tacos.
 Moon said he has received apologetic phone calls from a squadron of
 recumbent bicyclists lost somewhere in southern Nebraska, a Kentucky
 artist whose pet python was too carsick to continue the journey, and a
 group of Germans who uncovered a fatal structural flaw in their "Freak
 Harnesses" art installation at the last minute.
 Hippies were not the only counterculture group to miss the Burning Man
 festival. Portland-area Linux user and self-described cyber-conceptualist
 "Free" Lance Kaegle explained his absence in an instant message from his
 "I was organizing this boss techno-art project called 'Off The Grid,'"
 Kaegle wrote. "We were going to set up computer terminals in various
 parts of the playa and have people use them. Then we'd feed the binary
 data from those terminals into this fractals program that [Silver Lake,
 CA software designer] Ricky [Thomas-Slater] wrote. Those fractals would
 be sent, on the fly, to a group of exiled Buddhist monks I befriended
 online. The monks would transform the fractals into a temporal sand
 painting, the making of which we would webcast live to everyone on the
 Added Kaegle: "But I had to stop working on the monk thing to finish up
 this Pam's Country Crafts web site I'm working on. I really need the
 While most absences were accidental, a few were not. Doug "Crazyroot"
 Pycroft, a former smoothie-stand employee, has a history of missing
 countercultural events.
 "I thought about going, but then I decided I don't need some dudes
 pushing their rules down my throat," Pycroft said. "That's the problem
 with these things. If they're so nonconformist, how come you gotta obey
 some fascist wearing a lanyard just to use the Port-A-John? Same reason I
 refused to go to [The Church Of The Subgenius'] X-Day back in '98. Hell,
 I ditched the very first Lollapalooza one hour in."
 As a cloud of sand whipped across the desolate playa, Moon could only
 shake his head. Although the weeklong festival traditionally culminates
 in the igniting of the Burning Man, a 50-foot-tall wooden structure
 strapped with fireworks and other incendiaries, Moon wondered aloud
 whether he and the handful of other staffers should even bother.
 "I guess we could burn what we've built, but it would just feel
 anticlimactic with no one around to watch," Moon said. "You gotta look at
 the bigger picture here, folks. You shouldn't think of Burning Man as a
 burden. Burning Man is about being part of a community. Unfortunately,
 it's a community of people who can't get up before 1 p.m."


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Re: Coachella roll call
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2005, 11:17:00 am »