Author Topic: I knew it!  (Read 3026 times)


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I knew it!
« on: September 15, 2005, 06:34:00 pm »
Survey Finds More Women Try Bisexuality
 - By MARTHA IRVINE, AP National Writer
 Thursday, September 15, 2005
 (09-15) 15:28 PDT , (AP) --
 More women â?? particularly those in their late teens and 20s â?? are experimenting with bisexuality or at least feel more comfortable reporting same-sex encounters, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
 The survey, released Thursday by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, found that 11.5 percent of women, ages 18 to 44, said they've had at least one sexual experience with another woman in their lifetimes, compared with about 4 percent of women, ages 18 to 59, who said the same in a comparable survey a decade earlier.
 For women in their late teens and 20s, the percentage rose to 14 percent in the more recent survey. About 6 percent of men in their teens and 20s said they'd had at least one same-sex encounter.
 While those who conducted the survey took measures to protect respondents' privacy, researchers say it's unclear whether the figure for men was lower because they're are more likely to avoid same-sex experiences or whether they're not reporting them.
 It wouldn't surprise Kat Fowler, a 27-year-old art student who dates both women and men, if men were less likely to talk about their experiences.
 "There's a certain higher level of discrimination (for men). It's a lot easier for women to have these kinds of experiences and be open about it because it's more accepted," said Fowler, who attends the University of Florida.
 The findings on bisexuality and other aspects of Americans' sexual habits were taken from the National Survey of Family Growth, which included 12,571 in-person interviews, done from March 2002 to March 2003. Overall, researchers said the report shows that most people have relatively few partners and are at a low risk for sexually transmitted diseases.
 "Instead of just anecdotes and stories that raise people's anxieties, I think it's best to have real numbers," said William Mosher, the statistician who oversaw the report. "And now we have those."
 When it comes to women and same-sex relationships, Mosher said it would be worth studying why young women seek such relationships, and whether they may be trying to avoid diseases more commonly spread through sex with men.
 But some experts who study sexuality say it's even more likely that many college students simply see experimentation as a rite of passage.
 "It's very safe in the academic community; no one thinks anything of it," said Elayne Rapping, a professor of American studies at the University of Buffalo who has written about sexuality.
 "But to some extent there's more talk than action," she added, noting that the bisexuality label has become a "badge of courage" for some college women, even those who only date men. Meanwhile, she said, men who have same-sex experiences are often less likely to talk about it publicly.
 The trend among college women has prompted some sexual behavior experts to light-heartedly refer to the term "LUG," or "lesbian until graduation," said Craig Kinsley, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond who studies the biology of sexual orientation and gender.
 In other findings, the survey said that about 10 percent of females, ages 15 to 19, and 12 percent of males had experienced heterosexual oral sex but not vaginal intercourse. While no earlier data were available for young women, percentages for young men in 1992 were about the same, researchers said.
 Those numbers dropped substantially for people in their 20s, who were more likely to have had vaginal intercourse.
 The survey also revealed that 39 percent of men, ages 15 to 44, who'd had at least one sexual partner in the last year said they used a condom during their most recent sexual encounter. That figure rose to 65 percent for men who'd never been married â?? and 91 percent for men who'd ever had sexual contact with another man.
 Mosher said it was likely that men in higher-risk categories were heeding campaigns that encourage them to use condoms.
 "Whether the levels (of condom use) are high enough is for others to judge," Mosher said. "But I think it's at least encouraging."
 The survey of adults has a margin of error of 1 percentage point and 3 percentage points for the teen data.


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 06:44:00 pm »
Meanwhile,  teens are blowing their youth (ba-dump chihhhh!!).


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 06:55:00 pm »
Originally posted by beetsnotbeats:
  Meanwhile,  teens are blowing their youth (ba-dump chihhhh!!).
I had a discussion about this with co-workers at lunch and I thought this was about the right age range (leaning more towards 17 than 15).
 Then a co-worker said oh yeah, what if it was your 16 year old daughter, at which point I nearly threw up.  I'm never having kids (translation: I'm destined to have daughters, lots of them).


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 08:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
  I'm never having kids (translation: I'm destined to have daughters, lots of them).
and they're gonna be getting all kindsa presents from me  ;) .

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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2005, 10:15:00 am »
Thankfully, the turn-of-the-millennium Lesbo Mania has subsided.  Wayback in the 90s, it seemed as if everything with a pussy was eating pussy in order to be cool. These days, Lesbian Chic just ain't what it used to be.
 Naturally I'll be accused of homophobiaâ??as if personal distaste and pathological fear were THE SAME FUCKING THINGâ??but girl-on-girl action is a HUGE TURN-OFF for me.
   <img src="" alt=" - " />  
 How do you people who poast here, feel about this?
   <img src="" alt=" - " />  
 I don't know many women who lather at gay porn, but many males seem speechless with excitement at the specter of two slits goin' at it.
      <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2005, 10:36:00 am »
I've got 2 daughters...and I wish a few things for them
 1)  They Join the Convent
 2)  They are fat and ugly
 3)  They are lesbian!


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2005, 12:37:00 am »
Originally posted by CookieMonster:
  I've got 2 daughters...and I wish a few things for them
 1)  They Join the Convent
 2)  They are fat and ugly
 3)  They are lesbian!
Take it from someone who use to work around a bunch of nuns, quite often those 3 go hand in hand. No pun intended. If nursing is involved, even more so!


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2005, 04:05:00 am »
Originally posted by clouds R²:
  Thankfully, the turn-of-the-millennium Lesbo Mania has subsided.  Wayback in the 90s, it seemed as if everything with a pussy was eating pussy in order to be cool. These days, Lesbian Chic just ain't what it used to be.
 Naturally I'll be accused of homophobiaâ??as if personal distaste and pathological fear were THE SAME FUCKING THINGâ??but girl-on-girl action is a HUGE TURN-OFF for me.
Only if that personal distaste prevents you from accepting homosexuals in society.  I mean, I think Public Displays of Affection are inappropriate whether you're gay or straight, but it's not really my place to push my personal beliefs onto someone else.  I think what you specifically are talking about (and let me say up front that I didn't even bother clicking on the link) is something regarding choice.  I personally don't think that people make the choice to be gay or straight, so in that sense I understand the distaste towards a bunch of sorority girls going "ZOMG I'M LIKE, TOTALLY A LESBIAN NOW!" only to decide the next week that, you know, they're not.
 More than that, though, is the desire on the part of some people in this country to declare homosexuality illegal, which I feel is the root of homophobia, since it advocates stripping the rights of others out of an unwarranted fear.  It's not that dissimilar from racial or ethnic profiling.  Both should be held as contemptible by any american who cares at all about human rights.  
 But then, that's my opinion.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2005, 04:56:00 am »
All of this makees sense.  Everyone knows that girl-on-girl action is hawt!
 Jaguar, that's interesting about many nuns being lesbian.  It's already well known that many Catholic priests are gay.  It kind of makes sense, because Catholicism condemns homosexuality and insists that the only acceptable option is celibacy, which kind of makes the priesthood a logical choice.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2005, 04:58:00 am »
Originally posted by clouds R²:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />  
 I don't know many women who lather at gay porn, but many males seem speechless with excitement at the specter of two slits goin' at it.
       <img src="" alt=" - " />
Maybe because lesbian porn generally doesn't involve buttfucking....


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2005, 09:23:00 am »
Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
  All of this makees sense.  Everyone knows that girl-on-girl action is hawt!
 Jaguar, that's interesting about many nuns being lesbian.  It's already well known that many Catholic priests are gay.  It kind of makes sense, because Catholicism condemns homosexuality and insists that the only acceptable option is celibacy, which kind of makes the priesthood a logical choice.
I wouldn't be surprised if many priests right now are people that couldn't handle their perversion of being attracted to little boys, and they figured religion would stop those feelings.
 that certainly worked out.

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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2005, 12:22:00 pm »
There's a crystal clear delineation between "sincere" lesbianism and "fashion" lesbianism.
 It's not as if I give a fuck about anyone else's tastes but mine. It reminds me of a discussion I had with someone where he told me I was "wrong" for not liking a certain musical act. He didn't say his tastes differed from mineâ??he said I was WRONG.
 Erm...there's this thing called "subjectivity." There is no such thing as "right" and "wrong" when it comes to personal taste.
 What annoyed me about the Dykemania of a few years back is that it seemed to have very little to do with personal taste and almost everything to do with peer pressure and the Hundredth Monkey principle.
 The same applied to a sudden wave of men "enjoying" lesbianism. A decade or two ago, a HUGE majority of men tended to be TURNED OFF by lesbianism, just as they were by shaved bushes.
 Now it's the complete opposite. Like spermatozoa in a big pile of jizz, they swim with the crowd. They gauge their "tastes" not on what they actually like or dislike, but on the signals they pick up around them. Spread enough propaganda that it's cool to have a dick in your ass, and they'd all be squatting on fire hydrants in no time. Tell them that being a eunuch is the newest trend, and they'd be lopping off their balls the first chance they got.
 This principle works with racism, too. The same ones who scream for hate-crime legislation today are the ones who would have been torch-bearers in lynch mobs 50 years ago.
 This principle, as far as I can tell, doesn't apply to anyone on here. I'm going to take everyone's comments at face value and assume that when they say they like or dislike something, they mean it.
 But when I see two chicks making out at a party, I'm as annoyed as if they were suddenly breast-feeding their babies. In most cases, it seems as if they aren't doing it because they enjoy making out with one another, but to get attention from others. It's "fashion" lesbianism. Yuck.


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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2005, 12:34:00 pm »
isnt a shaved bush a functional thing?? did ppl actually not mind eating that thing w all that hair on it? yuk. not me. its funny, w each new gf that doesnt clean that thing up i hav carefully convince/get her to makes some changes down there. solution usually casually saying "heyyyy, let's have a little shaving fun, whatta ya say?!"
 i need advice , seriously, as i was stratching a thought hit me, ive been wanting to know, whats the best safe comfortable way for a guy to get rid of hair down there? on the nibbly bits not the field. god bless this forum where i can at last ask!
 and oh hold me down did someone say breast-feeding?!  1

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2005, 12:35:00 pm »
I can't imagine in what universe men were ever turned off by lesbianism.  I mean, if you're talking about 200-lb bulldyke lesbianism, OK, but if you're talking hawt LA bimbos going at it in a porn flick, then I think the overwhelming majority of men (at least the ones who go for trashy porn) have always liked this.
 Why, you ask?  The reason is simple:  most guys like to see a girl getting it on, but fewer guys really like to see some hairy, ugly d00d getting it on with her (unless they can imagine it's themselves).  Thus, the popularity of lesbianism.
 The reason gay male porn is not equally popular with women is that 1) most women don't go for porn in general; 2) most are grossed out by buttf*cking; andd 3) most women don't have the same hangup about seeing naked women that many men do about other men.
 Now, I fully agree with you that fake lesbianism, done just to get guys attention, is annoying.  But it's the fakeness of it that's annoying, not the lesbian-ness.  I'm guessing most real lesbians get pissed off at fake lezbos, too.

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Re: I knew it!
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2005, 03:39:00 pm »
Because so many women are sexually dysfunctional and disatisfied, and blame men for it, and since men themselves are convinced they are to blame for it (witness the explosion of male sexual enhancement products, all advertised for satisfying HER, that the condoms are "ribbed and textured for HER pleasure," etc.), men seek insight into female sexuality as if it were the Holy Grail.  One place men seek such insight is in depictions and descriptions of lesbianism, because, surely, that's where you'll find sincere women sincerely getting-off, right? A juicy area of study? An entree to peek into that mysterious Holy of Holies, a bona fide, unalloyed female sexual response? WRONG. Lesbianism ended up being faked like so many orgasms by attention-starved, neurotic females. That was the origin of "lesbian chic," a fashion now on the wane.
 While plenty of genuine lesbianism exists, it's the last thing a man would want to see. The "real thing" ain't pretty. Despite this, I have no hostility to real lesbians, because, of all the "minorities" out there, those dykes-- who have adopted nothing less than the style and dress of business-casual white middle-class males-- seem the least desperate for attention. Their activisms are insular and easily avoided. They're not putting on a show; they're not in-your-face. Where they are visible at all, their demeanor is as if to say "leave us alone--nothing to see here." Amen.