Did anybody else go to Serena-Maneesh last night? The Depreciation Guild were good as usual (though whoever had commented last time that they were too wall of noise guitar sounding and the Famicon stuff faded into the background would probably still not have liked it, as the synths/bass were running on a laptop and definitey background to the guitars.)
I was wondering about SM. I watched about five or so songs and had to leave (I was tired plus i didnt have my earplugs and they were WAY loud) and wanted to know how the end of their set was. They had a great energy and were fun to watch, just not with out ear plugs, as i want to save my hearing a bit. My only complaint about the sound was the keyboardist/drum pad player seemed to be turned down way low. The opening track (of the album and the set) has a very distinct drum sound that you could tell he was triggering, but couldnt hear.