date is confirmed from cKy's end.<P>is ashame that people can't differentiate between tv and reality. or that they can't fathom two different things with the same name. i applaude the ignorance of the jackass post. stop huffing yer moms nail polish duder, and get educated. everything TV sez isn't accurate. yer silly magazines and twatnot only skim the surface. educate yerself before you perturb people with yer opinion, so that it may be useful to debate or communication.<P>as for "average rock band" everyone has a right to their opinions, just like the inhalater with his/her sub-par understanding. if you KNOW about cKy and think they're no great shakes, then i got no beef with you. i have a feeling however, that you are suffering from the same deficit as your demi-braindamaged threadfriend and are ignorant of whats REALLY up. check out the show, i know it won't be expensive...or listen to an album...then, say whatever you feel, and say it as loud as you want. until then...go help old ladies cross the street or something...don't waste yer time talkin smack...the world is all kinds of fucked up, and sitting on the computer all day may not be the best way to do yer duty as a sapiant being (look it be proactive and productive.<P>either way, if yer not revolting, yer know what im saying, knocka?