All this is doing, is making us more creative. I mean, even when I was on Napster, I didn't share ALL of my files. I would share a few , and use chat rooms and instant messaging to check out peoples songs, and THEN I would trade kind of.
internet chat relay ( is the best way I get music. But you have to kind of know people in there. If people did that, then the only way to catch people is to have internet "informants" who pretended to be traders and then would catch you that way, kind of like the war on drugs, and see how that worked?
Besides, who really uses freakin Kazaa? all you get are clipped/misnamed files for Linkin Park songs....its crap anyway, RIAA will be so busy suing people who DL that crap, they'll never get to the casual trader.
That said, I only download stuff to hear new music, but i never decline to buy something because "i can just download it"