Several years in gestation, the Riceboy Sleeps project was first
conceived as an outlet for Jonsi and his boyfriend Alex's visual art,
resulting in the highly covetable 1,000 limited edition A6 book,
printed in Iceland to highly exacting spec. Gallery shows and video
installations followed, and with them the creation of the first
dream-like soundscapes towards what would become this album.
Recorded at home in between Sigur Rós commitments, the music took
shape slowly, and suffered a near fatal setback when the computer on
which it was all stored was dragged from the kitchen table in the
days before Apple had magnetic power leads. Fortunately some nifty
and painstaking keyhole surgery effected during a sojourn in Hawaii
resulted in complete recovery of the splendid specimen soon to be
before you.
We will send you details of the different formats available in due
course, but for now immerse yourself in 'Boy 1904', which features
the buried treasure of the only known recording of the last ever
castrato singer. No wonder this music seems beamed in from another
time and place.