Author Topic: Lance Armstrong for President~!  (Read 7179 times)


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2004, 05:13:00 pm »
Originally posted by Sailor Ripley:
 And let's see a pic when it's done.
I caught a glimpse of Thirsty's handiwork last weekend.  Sweet ride, no?
  <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2004, 05:26:00 pm »
its not resentment per se....this year in particular he has just destroyed the field - I'm in shock and awe, particularly after his shaky year last year
 its more of a reaction to his probable anointment as the 'greatest ever' when he wins far as I'm concerned Merckx is the greatest ever because he did more than just concentrate on the Tour....but then again it was a different era
 As for the doping, I'm still a little suspicious, after all 99.999% of the time people who were just 'good' athletes don't magically become greatest ever athletes at the age of 26 - Ireland had a swimmer like that a few years ago and she was eventually caught.
 HOWEVER, I think most of the elite bikers are probably doping in some form or another, which essentially re-levels the playing field (or road in this case), unless Armstrong is doing something the others aren't, and you are correct in that the authorities are just dying for him to be caught
 just my 2c
Originally posted by Bollocks:
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
  Yeah.  he's dope.  oops, did i say dope?  i meant, umm... swell.
Why the resentment towards too Brennser?
 Scanlon hung in there for what......three stages? That's one more rider than Britain could muster though. [/b]


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2004, 05:31:00 pm »
As a Spaniard and a huge Indurain fan, it´s not good to see someone win 6 Tours in a row, but fuck, you have to acknowledge how great Amstrong is as a cyclist, all my respects.
 This was one thing Spaniards were really proud of, having a cyclist who had won 5 Tours in a row, but now there is someone who has even gone farther, 6 tours.
 Spitting to him, that is just sad.


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2004, 05:36:00 pm »
Originally posted by brennser:
 As for the doping, I'm still a little suspicious, after all 99.999% of the time people who were just 'good' athletes don't magically become greatest ever athletes at the age of 26 - Ireland had a swimmer like that a few years ago and she was eventually caught.
A couple of years ago there was a really good article (that I will never be able to find now) that discussed how Armstrong's cancer helped his riding.  The argument was essentially that the cancer destroyed a lot of his body and when he went to rebuild muscles, he did so in a way that was focused on making him the best rider.  He also lost the weight which had always hampered him, and, the article argued, it may have beaten back some of the overbearing arrogance he was reported to have.
 I don't have a strong feeling on whether he's doping or not, but his is such a good story, that it would be a shame if he was cheating.


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2004, 05:43:00 pm »
A couple of years ago there was a really good article (that I will never be able to find now)  
what kind of attitude is that - we know you'll be able to find it   :D  
 I remember reading that article as well, or at least one similar to it...


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2004, 05:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  A couple of years ago there was a really good article (that I will never be able to find now) that discussed how Armstrong's cancer helped his riding.  The argument was essentially that the cancer destroyed a lot of his body and when he went to rebuild muscles, he did so in a way that was focused on making him the best rider.  He also lost the weight which had always hampered him, and, the article argued, it may have beaten back some of the overbearing arrogance he was reported to have.
A large portion of his first book discusses this.
 A significant bit is also spent proclaiming his undying devotion, love & gratitude for the love of his life - his wife Kristen. Whom he has since divorced.

Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2004, 05:52:00 pm »
Leaving her to raise three kids, all aged five or less, on her own. Nice guy.
Originally posted by grotty:
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  A couple of years ago there was a really good article (that I will never be able to find now) that discussed how Armstrong's cancer helped his riding.  The argument was essentially that the cancer destroyed a lot of his body and when he went to rebuild muscles, he did so in a way that was focused on making him the best rider.  He also lost the weight which had always hampered him, and, the article argued, it may have beaten back some of the overbearing arrogance he was reported to have.
A large portion of his first book discusses this.
 A significant bit is also spent proclaiming his undying devotion, love & gratitude for the love of his life - his wife Kristen. Whom he has since divorced. [/b]

thirsty moore

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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2004, 07:09:00 pm »
Those tall bikes are crazy.  As for who's gonna be welding my frame... I've been in contact with Bystickel down in Harrisonburg.  Thanks for the rec's Ripley!
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
 Sweet ride, no?
   <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2004, 09:34:00 am »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] Leaving her to raise three kids, all aged five or less, on her own. Nice guy.

 I'm sure the huge alimony/child support check every month helps a little....and for the record, he's pulled out of the olympics because he wants to spend time with his kids after the tour. Let me tell you something from experience Rhett, sometimes the American injustice system prevents dads from seeing their kids as much as they'd like. Some fucking senile judge decides who, when and how often a dad gets to spend time with his own flesh and blood, so I don't want to hear any bullshit about "leaving her to raise three kids, all aged five or less, on her own", that just shows how ignorant you can be sometimes.


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2004, 09:38:00 am »
Originally posted by brennser: far as I'm concerned Merckx is the greatest ever because he did more than just concentrate on the Tour....but then again it was a different era
 I agree 100%...if you gave Armstrong the same bike Merckz was riding during his reign and set him off on the tour, and on the exact same course, there's no doubt in my mind that Armstrong could not have beaten Merckz time....but that doesn't take away from the amazing things Armstrong has accomplished.
 If Armstrong is like me, then losing a testicle is dropping 1/4 of your total body weight, so that's a huge advantage!!!!!!!!  :D

Random Citizen

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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2004, 09:39:00 am »
From David Letterman's Top 10
Top Ten Signs Lance Armstrong Is Getting Cocky
 10. Race starts at 9, Lance rolls out of bed around noon
 9. Has already figured out that the trophy can hold a 3-gallon margarita
 8. He eats frosting by the fistful
 7. For the last leg, he rode one of those crazy 1920s bikes with the big front wheel
 6. Deliberately crashing into things to get more air time on sportscenter
 5. Making a couple extra bucks delivering pizzas during the race
 4. After the starter pistol is fired, he hangs around hitting on french babes
 3. Turns to the other riders and says, "oooh, I'm sooooo scared"
 2. Instead of training, spent last 2 months pimping his bike
 1. Has started selling ad space on his ass


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2004, 11:00:00 am »
That list made me laugh way too loud at work!!!!!!


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2004, 11:28:00 am »
Has anyne seen the interviews with Sherryl Crowe at the tour....they're hilarious. She tries to answer 'cycling' questions but you can see on her face she's wanting to say, "I don't fucking know, I'm just his girlfriend"


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2004, 11:36:00 am »


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Re: Lance Armstrong for President~!
« Reply #44 on: July 23, 2004, 03:38:00 pm »
I wanna give Lance a big shoutout for giving France another reason to hate our guts.   :mad: