Well, Hell, they're only an "m" away from bein' Morons. They're a bit like Nazi eye-candy. All the ones I know (active and non-active) look like the Berlin HS Yearbook, from 1938. Mormons: they don't drink, they don't smoke...JUST LIKE HITLER!
<img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y25/team_dupek/d401f004.jpg" alt=" - " />
For my own part, I find that there is something just a bit uh...creepy...about them. It's sort of the same feeling I get when I think of the Children of the Corn...or any other religious extremists.
I find I'm a bit envious of their ability to have faith, disgusted of their claim to be the "chosen people," and just downright scared of their robotic devotion to hand-me-down scribblings purporting to be god's word.
As for Mitt Romney, I look at him and have the same thoughts I do as when I see a photo of Jessica Simpson--a Baptist. "Damn, that's a fine piece of ass."
But, does anybody really want either of them in charge of anything, at the end of the day? My rule of thumb is to avoid joining any faith that requires you don underwear with mysterious secret symbols on 'em.